Search Results for: decor

  • Decor - Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    Maple Leaf Dollar Tree Makeover

    It’s been a while since I shared a good ole Dol­lar Tree makeover. I espe­cial­ly love when the makeovers are as sim­ple as this one. I grabbed up a cou­ple bun­dles of these maple leaves right when all of the fall decor start­ed hit­ting the shelves at the begin­ning of the season. I had some gold metal­lic spray paint on hand for anoth­er project I had planned and decid­ed it would be the per­fect touch for these cheap lit­tle maple leaves. I like to keep this col­or on stand­by for all types of makeovers. It’s time­less and so chic. I made…

  • DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    Simple Craft Wood Pumpkin

    This lit­tle craft wood pump­kin is my first pump­kin project of the sea­son and I promise it won’t be the last. I am lov­ing this super cute wood piece from the Craft Wood Club. I made this super cute DIY Ris­er using this same shape. I love how ver­sa­tile these wood pieces can be.  I start­ed this craft wood pump­kin by adding lit­tle half sphere beads to the perime­ter of my craft wood piece. I am work­ing on a tem­plate for this shape. These sea­son­al shapes are per­fect for exer­cis­ing this cre­ative brain of mine. If you’re any­thing like me I…

  • Decor

    Easy Pom Pom Throw Blanket DIY

    This mon­th’s DIY Decor Box boast­ed this super fun and easy pom pom throw blan­ket DIY. Each of our sub­scribers received every­thing they need­ed in their box to be able to craft their own unique throw blan­ket for their home. You can see a full descrip­tion of the con­tents of the JULY DIY Decor Box (Here) Begin your pom pom throw using a pom pom mak­er and wrap it around 100 times for a nice thick pom. The beau­ty of it is you can decid­ed how thick or how small you want to cre­ate your poms to be. For this…

  • DIY Projects

    Garden Trellis Makeover

    I picked up this gar­den trel­lis from Lowe’s back in the Spring and have been con­tem­plat­ing what to do with it. Of course it would be cute with a climb­ing plant on a porch but I decid­ed to give it a fun makeover for Fall. I think you will love this idea for a gar­den trel­lis makeover you can use in your decor. Garden Trellis Makeover Supply List Mini Gar­den Trellis Jig­saw Mea­sur­ing Tape Paint Tea Tow­el or Fabric Mini wood Pal­lets from Dol­lar Tree Paint and brushes Green­ery Paint Chips Wood let­ters Hot glue + gun Jute Twine Begin by mea­sur­ing and trim­ming…

  • DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    Fall Scrap Wood Napkin Project

    Even though Fall temps are far from sight, my heart can’t help but start think­ing about the craft projects that come along with the cool crisp air. I had to break into my stash for this Fall scrap wood nap­kin project and I think you are going to love it as much as I do! Supplies Small piece of scrap wood (I am using a 1/2 piece left­over from oth­er cuts) 1 Fall napkin Mod Podge Antique Glaze Parch­ment Paper Iron Fab­ric and Raffia 1 1/2″ wood bead sphere Paint Brush Glue Gun Begin by apply­ing a thin coat of mod podge applied…

  • Christmas - Decor - DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    Hand-Cut Rustic Christmas Wood Projects

    It may been 100 and heck degrees out­side but we have been all out Christ­mas in July this week at the shoppe! It felt so good to get on the saws and let my cre­ativ­i­ty come to light. You all LOVED the kits so much I was able to part­ner up with a local Amish crafts­man to bulk pro­duce these rus­tic Christ­mas wood projects! I have always been drawn to wood projects but these might just take the cake in the Christ­mas depart­ment. All of these projects were cut using a band­saw and a jig­saw. I’m not say­ing this is…

  • Decor

    10 Dried Flower DIY Ideas

    Dried flower DIY’s are all over Pin­ter­est! It makes com­plete sense because those blooms are just way too pret­ty to watch wilt then toss! I have a few beau­ti­ful and hope­ful­ly inspi­ra­tional ways you can res­cue those pret­ty botan­i­cals to keep in your home for a bit longer! Each of these dried flower DIY ideas can be mod­i­fied with most any type of foliage, includ­ing fresh herbs or even branch­es or vines! Wall Hanging I love how sim­ple this project is to recre­ate. A stur­dy branch and some jute twine is all you will need to make this dried flo­ral wall…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    Thrifted Bookend Makeover with Quikrete

    A cou­ple weeks ago I grabbed these hefty book­ends at a yard sale for $3. Real­ly the whole day of hunt­ing was a bust but find­ing these beau­ties turned the day around! That real­ly is the joy in thrift­ing and hunt­ing for those unique items. I hope this thrift­ed book­end makeover will inspire you on your next trip to the thrift store.  When you’re on the hunt I sug­gest look­ing for items with “good bones” I know I prob­a­bly wear that phrase out but it real­ly is the most use­ful tip to remem­ber. Paint, stain and in this case, con­crete…

  • Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    3 Vintage Looks for a Garden Terrarium

    Gar­den ter­rar­i­ums are super pop­u­lar in vin­tage dec­o­rat­ing right now! We recent­ly made this Chip­py Gar­den Ter­rar­i­um in our DIY Decor mem­ber­ship and I am still reel­ing over the authen­tic­i­ty of the chip­py paint lay­ers and the ver­sa­til­i­ty of this DIY! There are so many ways they can be styled but I going to keep it sim­ple and show you 3 dif­fer­ent vari­a­tions for styling.  BINGO CARDS I don’t want to over­com­pli­cate the looks so they can be eas­i­ly recre­at­ed and feel doable for every­one look­ing to achieve a sim­i­lar vin­tage look in their home. This super sim­ple look requires…

  • DIY Projects

    Get the Weathered Paint Look in 3 Easy Steps

    Avid DIY’ers and crafters know what it’s like to acci­den­tal­ly dis­cov­er a tech­nique. That was def­i­nite­ly the case for this weath­ered paint look I used on the DIY gar­den ter­rar­i­um. Real­ly it was impa­tience and my messy craft­ing habits that led to the dis­cov­ery of this tech­nique, but it real­ly did work out in my favor. What I mean by weath­ered paint is that nat­ur­al chip­py-ness and peel­ing paint look on old wood pane win­dows or doors that have years of wear and tear and lay­ers of paint. Yeah, that’s the good stuff we are going for here. Here is what…