Cozy Neutral Winter Mantles

Oh my good­ness, I jut absolute­ly LOVE a beau­ti­ful­ly styled man­tle. They are eas­i­ly the focal point of an entire room and deserve to be the cen­ter of atten­tion! Up until just recent­ly (when we closed on our new home) I have not had a man­tle to play with and dec­o­rate. I have spent sooo many hours brows­ing Pin­ter­est for inspi­ra­tion for the beau­ti­ful fea­ture in our new home and of course I thought I would share some of my favorite win­ter styles with y’all.

One thing you will notice about this col­lec­tion is all the neu­trals! Neu­trals are my jam and I make no apolo­gies. Not only do I love neu­tral tones but they are also time­less and will eas­i­ly tran­si­tion you from the hol­i­days straight into the Win­ter sea­son with­out hav­ing to com­plete­ly change your look. 

My first choice comes from Liz Marie Blog. I am nat­u­ral­ly drawn to her cozy, neu­tral, vin­tage style. Her recent appear­ances on the Today Show have my wheels turn­ing and think­ing of ways to cozy up my space.…starting with my mantle! 

I have been drawn to the look of these scrolls late­ly. They are sim­ply beau­ti­ful and eas­i­ly inter­changable. Not to men­tion the ceme­try just works here. Man­tle by The Calvert Cot­tage

Lit­er­aly noth­ing is cozi­er than a warm lit can­dle. I just adore the Lau­ra McBride Blog arranged to cre­ate that per­fect lit­tle bit of warmth.

This.…I am speech­less. This may be THE per­fect win­ter man­tle. It has all my favorite things. Old hym­nals, nat­ur­al green­ery, lay­ers, wood beads.… Sarah jane Inte­ri­ors has stolen my heart and thrown away the key! 

This is def­i­nite­ly a fun look! I like the chunky-ness (is that even a word) of every­thing I see here from Whim­sy Girl Not to men­tion, I think I could leave those stock­ings out all year long.

I have been see­ing these low-pro­file mod­ern mir­rors all over the place! In fact, I final­ly broke down and bought one for myself. After see­ing this beau­ti­ful netral, win­tery dis­play by The Bloom­ing Nest I think I have final­ly decid­ed where mine will hang.

And yet anoth­er beau­ti­ful mirror…I am see­ing a trend here… paired with nat­ur­al green­ery and can­dle sticks and wow… I am drool­ing. SOURCE

I won­der is there is a rule some­where that says mir­rors are made for man­tles? If not I am offi­cial­ly declar­ing it! So many beau­ti­ful man­tles have these amaz­ing mir­rors above them! Beau­ty For Ash­es makes no excep­tions here.

I love the mix of cop­per tones with the sandy neu­trals. It adds an extra sense of cozi­ness to the space that would eas­i­ly trans­fer from Christ­mas right into the Win­ter months. Do I even need to men­tion that mir­ror? Source

What I love most about this man­tle is that pic­ture! Grace in My Space cre­at­ed an ele­gant yet cozy look with lay­er­ing and lots of textures!

Bless this Nest cre­at­ed a nice tran­si­tion man­tle spread cre­at­ed with very basic “win­tery” decor peices. Switch­ing out the Christ­mas sign would make this tran­si­tion a breeze.

I hope you find these man­tles as cozy and invit­ing as I did. I sim­ply can not wait to get my hands on our man­tle at the new place so I can start get­ting things cozied up and ready for the win­ter months. 


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