DIY Charcuterie Board Ornament

I picked up this pack of 2 mini char­cu­terie boards from the Tar­get Dol­lar spot back in the Spring not real­ly know­ing what I had planned for them. Hon­est­ly they end­ed up pushed to the back of my craft stash only to reemerge when I was rum­mag­ing through my Christ­mas craft sup­plies. I pulled them out and rec­og­nized, for the first time, that they had the per­fect lit­tle orna­ment shape! Thus, the DIY char­cu­terie board orna­ment idea was born.

After grab­bing a few more sup­plies from stash, I was ready to get crafty. I have includ­ed a list and Ama­zon affil­i­ate links for sim­i­lar sup­plies below so you too can make your own DIY char­cu­terie board ornament.

mini charcuterie board, red velvet ribbon and Christmas greenery pick

Mini Charcuterie Boards

The board I used came from the Tar­get dol­lar spot but I found some mini boards that would work just as well in my opin­ion. Don’t they make the per­fect lit­tle shape for an ornament?

mini charcuterie board set from Amazon

Red Velvet Ribbon

I love how clas­sic the red vel­vet rib­bon looks on the DIY char­cu­terie board orna­ments. I have linked on Ama­zon sev­er­al dif­fer­ent sizes of vel­vet rib­bon. I even think an emer­ald green col­or would be beau­ti­ful for this type of project.

red velvet ribbon from Amazon

Christmas Greenery Pick

Of course you can’t for­get the green­ery pick for embell­ish­ing. I grabbed mine from the Christ­mas sec­tion at Wal­mart last sea­son. You ca find sim­i­lar styles at your local Wal­mart or craft store. I have linked a sim­i­lar set on Amazon.

Stamp Set

This lit­tle stamp set has come in handy for plen­ty of craft projects in the past. This is the same set I used for the orna­ment I made. The mini ink pad is per­fect for a lit­tle added dis­tress­ing on the edges of your projects.

I sim­ply stamped the board and then looped the vel­vet rib­bon through the han­dle of the mini board. I secured the rib­bon with a sim­ple knot and tacked it in place with glue. Then using the green­ery picks, I cov­ered the knot and hot glue. A lit­tle added dis­tress­ing and this orna­ment is fin­ished. I love how cute and classy it looks on my tree this year!

Tru­ly, these are easy enough to make mul­ti­ples for gift giv­ing. Per­son­al­ized them with your fam­i­ly names an so much more. I would love to hear your ideas for you mini char­cu­terie board orna­ments in the comments.


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