10 Vintage July 4th Decor Ideas

I have gath­ered a col­lec­tion of some beau­ti­ful Vin­tage July 4th decor ideas and DIYs for your inspi­ra­tion this hol­i­day. is such a nos­tal­gia that comes with Inde­pen­dence Day. Each and every year the cel­e­bra­tions, and the decor around town and around the house have me reliv­ing mem­o­ries from my child­hood. I real­ly feel like it’s because of this that I espe­cial­ly love the vin­tage looks this time of year.

Pil­lows are a favorite decor sta­ple and can quick­ly change the feel of a room. Mix­ing small and large pat­terns in coor­di­nat­ing col­ors brought this out­door seat­ing togeth­er beautifully.


Some­times all a space needs is a flag dropped in an exist­ing vase. It does­n’t get any eas­i­er than that.

Grab a pack of mini Amer­i­can flags to sprin­kle in your exist­ing decor. You can use the same antiquing tech­nique I used on this DIY Patri­ot­ic Pil­low (HERE) to grunge them up a bit. 

Tick­ing fab­ric adds instant old charm to any space. In this case, cute lit­tle DIY flags! Use the fab­ric for flags, ban­ners, home­made pil­lows or even a super easy table run­ner. Make your own tick­ing stripe with this neat lit­tle trick (HERE)

Milk glass jars and old Coca Cola crates make for the per­fect addi­tion to vin­tage July 4th decor. Add a touch of green­ery and you have an almost effort­less look.

I real­ly don’t think you can go wrong with this look. Again, I am see­ing milk glass and added tex­ture with those chip­py can­dle hold­ers. Those sta­ples paired with the tex­ture of the rat­tan in this cov­ered out­door space are to die for!

I don’t know about you but I don’t think I have ever con­sid­ered dec­o­rat­ing my bed­room for the 4th. This vin­tage look is so taste­ful. Bring­ing the col­ors of the hol­i­day togeth­er with­out being matchey-matchey is the key here. You want the look to appear col­lect­ed over time.

Old scales are always a good idea, espe­cial­ly when paired with a vin­tage chip can and tick­ing stripes. This ensam­ble is per­fect for a kitchen island or cof­fee bar. 

Some­times all your space needs is a sim­ple DIY like this No Sew Dol­lar Tree Patri­ot­ic Pil­low. I antiqued a Dol­lar tree chair cov­er to achieve this vin­tage look. See the com­plet­ed look and the detailed instruc­tions (HERE)

Tick­ing stripes again for the win here with this look. I lobe the sim­plic­i­ty of the ribbed fab­ric hang­ing from the chan­de­lier. The look is tied togeth­er with match­ing fab­ric nap­kins on this green­house tablescape.

vintage 4th of July looks table setting in greenhouse

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1 comment

Sweet of you to share two of my posts on your blog today. Hap­py 4th of July!

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