DIY Grain Sack Coffee Stained Towel

This is one of those fun DIY’s you are gonna wish you had known about soon­er. This DIY grain sack tea tow­el real­ly is 2 projects in one, but they are both so super sim­ple you just might want to trans­form all of your kitchen towels.

Supplies to Make a Grain Sack Tea Towel

diy rolling pin stamp with rubber bands

The main ingre­di­ent for this grain sack tow­el DIY is the rolling pin. Real­ly all parts are impor­tant but you will be glad you had the rolling pin handy. 

Begin by plac­ing your rub­ber bands around the body of the pin. I lay­ered mine 2 on top of one anoth­er, for a total of 6 rub­ber bands. This will act as your rolling stamp for your paint. I rec­om­mend these thick tac­ti­cal rub­ber bands I found on Amazon. 

Then apply your paint, mixed with your fab­ric medi­um. Using a medi­um mixed with your paint will make it per­ma­nent to the fabric.

coffe stained grainsack tea towel diy

How can I make a stamp without rubber bands?

You can also pur­chase a sheet of rub­ber and cut strips before attach­ing them to the pin with hot glue. Here is a tuto­r­i­al on this method if you are interested.

diy rubber band grain sack stamp

After apply­ing the paint all you have to do is roll your fresh­ly paint­ed stamp across the cen­ter of the tea tow­el, or what­ev­er fab­ric you decide!

diy grain sack stamp

I failed to get a pic­ture of the rolling process but it is pret­ty self explana­to­ry. You can see the video tuto­r­i­al on Face­book demon­strat­ing this step.

After your pant had com­plete­ly dried, cov­er with parch­ment paper and heat set with a cloth­ing iron. This ensures prop­er adhe­sion to the fabric.

heat press fabric paint

Here is the 2nd bonus DIY.…the cof­fee stain! It is real­ly as sim­ple as dis­solv­ing a cup if instant cof­fee in hot water and soak­ing your tow­el. I allowed mine to soak for about an hour before line dry­ing it in the sun! Try this tech­nique to eas­i­ly antique fab­ric, lace, and even paper!

diy coffee stained tea towel

Look at that adorable lit­tle ring it left on this DIY grain sack tea tow­el! I did­n’t even plan that but it antiqued beau­ti­ful­ly! Check our some more of my favorite cof­fee stain projects, includ­ing my all-time favorite cof­fee stain recipe!

coffee stained diy tea towel

Look at house beau­ti­ful this tow­el turned out! It reminds me of an old aged Amer­i­can flag or bunting for the 4th of July!

diy rustic tea towel
diy americana grainsack tea towel

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