How to make DIY Coffee Stain

The list of things I want to try to DIY is long, and I have always want­ed to make my own stain. Now there are plen­ty of meth­ods out there for mak­ing stain and I am shar­ing how I have decid­ed to make my own. It’s chem­i­cal free and all the ingre­di­ents can almost exlu­sive­ly come from your kitchen.

Need­ing ideas for how to use this beau­ti­ful wood stain? 

Look at this amaz­ing aged effect on this wood block craft.

Ingre­di­ents Needed


  1. Pour about 2 cups white vine­gar into jar
  2. Add a your steel wool. I am using 2 pieces The more you add the dark­er the stain
  3. Add a 2 Tbsp cof­fee grounds to the jar, tight­en lid and shake.

Allow the stain to sit in the jar for AT LEAST a week, shak­ing once a day. The longer the stain sits the dark­er it will become. Based on my research, when apply­ing the stain it will appear much lighter at first and dark­en as it dries. The vine­gar helps devel­op the tan­nins in the wood (a fan­cy word for chem­i­cal make­up) caus­ing the col­ors to become rich and smooth when applied.

I am super excit­ed to watch this project devel­op. Fol­low me over on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK for updates on this process! Made with love, Kaycee

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I like this post, enjoyed this one appre­ci­ate it for putting up.

roostandrestore says:

Thank you so much for reading!

Sandi Allen says:

Def­i­nite­ly gonna try this! Thank you for sharing!

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