How to Flock a Christmas Tree Using Snoflock Powder

I am excit­ed to share with you how to flock your Christ­mas tree using Snoflock. Snoflock is a pow­der that expands when intro­duced to mois­ture and cre­ates a per­fect, nat­u­ral­ly flocked look when used cor­rect­ly. Once your tree is flocked it will be ready to dec­o­rate with­in 24 hours. While you’re wait­ing check out all…

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How to Arrange A Basket Wall for Beginners

I am glad you’re here. I want to encour­age you that if you’re new to this whole bas­ket gallery wall trend that you’re not alone. I have had many peo­ple ask how to arrange a bas­ket gallery wall. Where do you find bas­kets? And how dif­fi­cult is it to cre­ate one? I am here to show…

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How to Make Wood Bead Tassel DIY Decor

I am always look­ing for home decor to cre­ate on my own. Don’t get me wrong I love doing all types of crafts but I espe­cial­ly love the ones I can dis­play in my home year round. This is exact­ly why I am excit­ed to teach you how to make wood bead tas­sel DIY decor. Not…

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4x4 Scrap Wood Firecracker Ideas

Have you seen all these adorable 4x4 Scrap Wood Fire­crack­er ideas cir­cu­lat­ing on Pin­ter­est? Me too! Along with about a mil­lion oth­er scrap wood block projects for your home. These lit­tle things are just so darn cute to add to your July 4th décor or oth­er patri­ot­ic holidays.  I have gath­ered a few of my…

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How to Make Homemade All-Purpose Lemon Cleaner

Mak­ing home­made clean­ers is not as hard as it sounds. You can make this Home­made All-Pur­pose Lemon Clean­er in just a cou­ple easy steps and you might even get a pitch­er of Fresh Squeezed Lemon­ade while you’re at it. I am very hap­py to add this fresh smelling, grease cut­ting all pur­pose clean­er to my arse­nal…

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Beautiful Scrap Wood Projects for Your Home

Here on the farm we have a nev­er end­ing sup­ply of scrap wood. This makes it my go-to choice for inspir­ing you to make beau­ti­ful scrap wood projects for your home. We live sev­er­al miles from town so it’s not easy to hop in the car to go decor shop­ping, plus I enjoy get­ting my…

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How to Make Fresh Squeezed Country Lemonade

There is sim­ply noth­ing like Fresh Squeezed Coun­try Lemon­ade in the Sum­mer time. I pairs well with a hot day by the pool or after weed­ing the gar­den in the scorch­ing Sum­mer heat. It’s refresh­ing in a light and cool­ing way and if you have nev­er had it fresh squeezed then you’re in for a…

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How to Make Decorative Wood Blocks

Mak­ing dec­o­ra­tive wood blocks lit­er­al­ly the per­fect project for DIY begin­ners, or maybe you’re just learn­ing how to use a miter saw. If so, con­grats! I am excit­ed about all the things you can make, includ­ing these dec­o­ra­tive wood blocks. What you will need: 2x4 piece of wood, length depends on how many let­ters you need Miter…

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Old-Fashioned Homemaking and Simple DIY Living

Old-fash­ioned home­mak­ing and sim­ple DIY Liv­ing isn’t all about being a stay at home mom, although, that cer­tain­ly is a big part of my per­son­al expe­ri­ence. Rather is is about embrac­ing a slow­er paced and inten­tion­al­ly sim­ple lifestyle. Back in the day this type of lifestyle was the stan­dard way of liv­ing. Today, no so…

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Beautiful + Functional Raised Garden Beds

There are plen­ty of rea­sons to choose raised gar­den beds over tra­di­tion­al plant­i­ng. They are eas­i­er to weed and main­tain, plus they make gar­den­ing look orga­nized and beau­ti­ful. This year, like years before, we are chos­ing to raise our beds bly.ut I am approach­ing things a bit different This year I am excit­ed to have…

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