How to Make Decorative Wood Blocks

Mak­ing dec­o­ra­tive wood blocks lit­er­al­ly the per­fect project for DIY begin­ners, or maybe you’re just learn­ing how to use a miter saw. If so, con­grats! I am excit­ed about all the things you can make, includ­ing these dec­o­ra­tive wood blocks.

What you will need:

  • 2x4 piece of wood, length depends on how many let­ters you need
  • Miter saw, here is my affil­i­ate link, I may make a small com­mi­sion if pur­chased through this link but its of no extra cost to you
  • Stain, paint, scrap­book paper
  • sten­cils


This will be the hard­est part of mak­ing your own dec­o­ra­tive wood blocks. I promise. And that is decid­ing what lengths to cut your blocks. Here are a few things to con­sid­er when you are try­ing decide on lenth.

  1. Where will your blocks be dis­played in your home?
  2. What phrase do you want to use
  3. do you want them the same length or vary

Once you have ironed out those details, it’s time to cut your blocks to size using a miter saw. I rec­om­mend this type of project for some­one who is just learn­ing how to use a miter saw. These dec­o­ra­tive wood blocks are made with very sim­ple, straight cuts. When you are ready to tack­led angle cuts with your saw you can make this cute WOOD BLOCK HOUSE 

compound miter saw dewalt

I recent­ly cre­at­ed these cute July 4th wood blocks using the steps I list­ed above. You can view this project HERE

For THIS project my 2x4 lengths were 7,5,5,4,3 inches 

how to make decorative wood blocks


This next step is com­plete­ly up to you. I pre­fer to stain my wood with my own DIY WOOD STAIN, and then dec­o­rate with lay­ers of mod podge and stencils. 


If using your new wood blocks inside then a coat of mod podge should do the trick. How­ev­er, if yus­ing out­side I rec­om­mend using a clear lac­quer to seal.

Related:DIY Wood Block House

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