fresh squeezed lemonade

How to Make Fresh Squeezed Country Lemonade


There is sim­ply noth­ing like Fresh Squeezed Coun­try Lemon­ade in the Sum­mer time. I pairs well with a hot day by the pool or after weed­ing the gar­den in the scorch­ing Sum­mer heat. It’s refresh­ing in a light and cool­ing way and if you have nev­er had it fresh squeezed then you’re in for a real treat. You may nev­er go back to Coun­try Time again! 

Lemon­ade can be served in a vari­ety of ways. Warm lemon­ade served with raw local hon­ey can help ease chest con­ges­tion and may also help soothe a sore throat and stuffy nose. This is a good tip to keep in your back pock­et for later.

Serv­ing lemon­ade chilled with fruit infu­sions in a great way to play with fla­vors. Place fruits like straw­ber­ry, or even cucum­ber and mint direct­ly in your pitch­er before serv­ing or offer then ore sliced to guests on a chilled serv­ing tray.

I like my lemon­ade sweet and have cre­at­ed this recipe for what I per­son­al­ly beleive to be the opti­mal blend of sweet and sour. If you want a more tart lemon­ade I sug­gest scal­ing back the sug­ar or sub­si­tut­ing with hon­ey to suit your taste. 

Fresh Squeezed Country Lemonade

A refresh­ing drink using fresh squeezed lemon juice. 

Can be served warm or chilled.

  • 6–8 Medi­um Lemons 
  • 1.5 cups White Sugar 
  • 2 cups Water 
  1. Place water and sug­ar in saucepan over medi­um heat until dis­solved. Remove from heat.

  2. Slice lemons in half and juice by hand or with lemon press. 6–8 lemons will yeild 1.5–2 cups of juice

  3. Com­bine sim­ple syrup and lemon juice in medi­um pitch­er and fill with water

  4. Serve Chilled

Cre­at­ing the sim­ple syrup will dis­solve the sug­ar. Sug­ar will not dis­solve in cool water

I typ­i­cal­ly squeeze my lemons by hand or with a juicer



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1 Comment

  1. […] Home­made All-Pur­pose Lemon Clean­er in just a cou­ple easy steps and you might even get a pitch­er of Fresh Squeezed Lemon­ade while you’re at […]

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