Simple Snowball Butter Cookies

These lit­tle snow­ball but­ter cook­ies will lit­er­al­ly melt in your mouth. They are soft, dust­ed in a coat of pow­dered sug­ar and are just the right blend of sweet and buttery.

Their tex­ture is real­ly hard to com­pare to oth­er hol­i­day cook­ies, but what I can say is, if you like a clas­sic hol­i­day but­ter cook­ie then you will LOVE these snow­ball cook­ies. My hub­by and kid­dos could hard­ly keep their lit­tle hands out of them. They are a bit messy to eat but I like to think that just adds to the enjoy­ment. See­ing the lit­tle crumb trails and sug­ar fin­ger­prints make the fun of bak­ing even that much more enjoy­able dur­ing the holidays. 

Bak­ing and eat­ing is a big part of our hol­i­day tra­di­tions. Can­dies, cook­ies and home­made breads are a sta­ple, and even bet­ter, super giftable! If you’re like me, I love bak­ing and giv­ing treats as gifts. A lit­tle sur­prise in the mail­box for your postal car­ri­er or your banker is just the tick­et for mak­ing them smile dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son, and a small token of grat­i­tude for their ser­vices through­out the year. 

These lit­tle bite sized Snow­ball But­ter Cook­ies would make the per­fect lit­tle addi­tion to your lit­tle treat pack­ages or cook­ie exchange!

Anoth­er yum­my and giftable hol­i­day clas­sic is this Amish Cin­na­mon Swirl Bread which also hap­pens to be hub­by and kid­do approved!

soft and buttery snowball Christmas cookies
buttery Christmas cookies

Snowball Butter Cookies

A deli­cious lit­tle crum­ble cook­ie with a dust­ing of pow­ered sug­ar. A clas­sic hol­i­day cook­ie recipe that will com­pli­ment your dessert table and sat­is­fy your sweet tooth.

  • 1 Cup Unsalt­ed but­ter (soft­ened)
  • 1.5 Cups Pow­dered Sug­ar (save 1/2 cup for rolling)
  • 1 tsp Pure Vanil­la Extract
  • 2 Cups All-Pur­pose Flour
  1. Using an elec­tric mix­er, beat togeth­er but­ter and pow­dered sug­ar until creamy.

  2. Add salt and vanil­la extract, and beat until combined.

  3. Add flour and beat on low until combined.

  4. Chill dough in the refrig­er­a­tor for 30 min­utes to an hour, or until firm.,. m 

  5. Pre­heat oven to 350 °

  6. Roll chilled dough into 1in balls and bake for 8–10 min­utes or until a very light gold­en brown

  7. Remove from oven and allow to cook for a few min­utes before rolling in the pow­dered sug­ar set aside. Let cool com­plete­ly and roll in sug­ar a sec­ond time

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1 comment

I will be mak­ing these with our New Year desserts
Thanks, and Hap­py holidays

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