Banana Bread with Maple Syrup

Bak­ing goods for break­fast seems to be a trend around here at the home­stead. A few weeks ago I made AMISH CINNAMON SWIRL BREAD and this morn­ing we shared a warm loaf of Clas­sic Banana Bread (with a twist). I am excit­ed to share this recipe for your to enjoy in your kitchens. This is a recipes I have used for years but with a sur­pris­ing twist. We are omit­ing the Pure Vanil­la Extract and replac­ing it with Maple Syrup. Yep…syrup!

This was an acci­den­tal dis­cov­ery actu­al­ly. I set out to make the bread the tra­di­tion­al way and found out only when I went to add the vanil­la extract that the bot­tle was emp­ty! Have you ever been in this posi­tion? In the mid­dle of bak­ing some­thing deli­cious only to dis­cov­er you’re out of a key ingre­di­ent. The extract adds that warm and deli­cious taste that makes your heart happy…yeah it’s kin­da impor­tant, espe­cial­ly in bak­ing. In des­per­a­tion I reached for the maple syrup. It’s full of fla­vor and seemed like the per­fect com­bi­na­tion for the bread. 


  • 2 cups all pur­pose flour, leveled 
  • 1 tea­spoon bak­ing powder
  • 1/2 tea­spoon bak­ing soda
  • 1/2 tea­spoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tea­spoon salt 
  • 1/2 cup unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened to room temp
  • 1/2 gran­u­lat­ed suagr
  • 1/2 cup brown sug­ar, packed
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tea­spoons maple syrup
  • 1 1/2 cups mashed ripe bananas, about 3 medi­um bananas


  1. Pre­heat oven to 350 degress F. Spray, or rub a 9x5 in loaf pan with butter
  2. In a mix­ing bowl, whisk togeth­er the flour, bak­ing pow­der, soda, cin­na­mon and salt
  3. In a sep­a­rate bowl, com­bine the but­ter and sug­ars til fluffy. Add in the eggs and maple syrup, mix­ing after each one.
  4. Scrape sides of the bowl and add mashed banana. Mix until combined
  5. Add dry ingre­di­ents and mix until com­bined. Care­ful not to overmix.
  6. Scoop bat­ter into pre­pared pan and bake for 55–65 min­utes or until you get a clean tooth­pick test
  7. Remove from oven and allow to cool in the pan nefore remov­ing from the pan.


If you liked this recipe check out these oth­er amaz­ing from-scratch recipes from Roost and Restore!


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This looks so good! I love that it uses min­i­mal sug­ar and most­ly relies on plant sweetener!

roostandrestore says:

Yes ma’am! It’s still tasty with­out being overloaded! 

Thanks for shar­ing! Does it keep long?

roostandrestore says:

I hon­est­ly can’t say because it nev­er lasts more than a day or two around here ?

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