How to Season Wooden Spoons

Sea­son­ing wood is odd­ly sat­is­fy­ing to me.…I love see­ing the life come back in to the grains. With­out the oils, the woods tends to dry, crack and even­tu­al­ly break so it’s impor­tant to care for them prop­er­ly. I love the idea of keep­ing these around to pass down so keep­ing them nice and oiled is important.

I use the same min­er­al oil/natural wax on all my kitchen woods. It’s nice and creamy with­out leav­ing a greasy feel to the touch. This will help them last longer and per­form bet­ter in the long run. Flax seed oil and olive oil will also do the trick if you have those handy.

Grab some HERE

This is what I was work­ing with. A few very loved and very parched spoons. 

I used a clean, dry cloth to rub the oil in the direc­tion of the grain. That’s real­ly all there is too it. It only takes a few min­utes and real­ly makes all the difference. 

Look at these beau­ties! Oiled and ready to pre­pare their next meal.


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