Easy Painted Wood Sunflower

This wood sun­flower DIY was a lit­tle out­side of my com­fort zone. For some rea­son paint­ing makes me a ner­vous wreck buu­u­uttt I decid­ed to take a dose of my own med­i­cine, and like I always say “Just go for it!”  So this is me going for it. I decid­ed to give this sim­ple wood sun­flower…

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Last Minute DIY Halloween Costume

This DIY wolf cos­tume was a prod­uct of my pro­cras­ti­na­tion. This year’s theme was lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood and I could not find a decent lit­tle boys wolf cos­tume any­where. I had a mask giv­en to me for free but it was too big and a lit­tle too scary for my 6 year old, how­ev­er,…

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How to Make Rustic Wood Peg Ornaments

These DIY wood peg orna­ments are the per­fect lit­tle rus­tic touch for your Christ­mas tree! Not only are they sim­ple and rus­tic, but these wood peg orna­ments are so incred­i­bly easy!  I was for­tu­nate to be gift­ed these lit­tle pegs but but I have linked them in the sup­ply list below for your convivence. What supplies…

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How to Flock a Christmas Tree Using Snoflock Powder

I am excit­ed to share with you how to flock your Christ­mas tree using Snoflock. Snoflock is a pow­der that expands when intro­duced to mois­ture and cre­ates a per­fect, nat­u­ral­ly flocked look when used cor­rect­ly. Once your tree is flocked it will be ready to dec­o­rate with­in 24 hours. While you’re wait­ing check out all…

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Easy Scrap Wood Halloween Decor

This easy scrap wood Hal­loween decor is so sim­ple and so fun! Every once in a while I like to throw in a cute project that you can get the kids involved in and this is def­i­nite­ly one of them.  Scrap wood is cheap and so ver­sa­tile when it comes to craft­ing. But I also under­stand…

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How to Make A Simple Eucalyptus Garland

This sim­ple gar­land is so easy I can hard­ly call it a DIY. The idea came from the want to dec­o­rate my man­tle and the need to lim­it my spending.…trying to bud­get for those pump­kins if you know what I mean.  I grabbed some euca­lyp­tus gar­land I already has on hand and start­ed to brain­storm ways…

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10 Rustic Fall Scrap Wood Projects

Lit­er­al­ly Pin­ter­est is chocked full of Fall Scrap Wood Projects right now. And not just Fall, but there are so many amaz­ing scrap wood projects for your rus­tic home decor. One of my favorite things to do is to take a piece of scrap, des­tined for the garbage, and turn it into some­thing beau­ti­ful and…

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Reviving an Old Cutting Board

Recent­ly, I had the task of reviv­ing an old cut­ting board. It giv­en to me by a sweet friend of mine no longer had use for it and knew I had a grow­ing col­lec­tion. As beau­ti­ful as it was, it need­ed a lit­tle bit of TLC. It was dry and had notice­ably not been con­di­tioned…

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Video: How to Make an Easy Halloween Place Setting

I recent­ly decid­ed to cre­ate an easy Hal­loween place set­ting using a few crafty things I had around the house. After you see how ways it is to cre­ate this lit­tle spooky set­ting you will want to go scav­eng­ing your own stash…seriously! The best part, this entire set­ting took less that 5 min­utes to curate!…

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Tutorial: Indoor Decorative Shutters the Easy Way

Add the per­fect touch of tex­ture and warmth to your home with this DIY tuto­r­i­al for build­ing indoor dec­o­ra­tive shut­ters. This type of project will come togeth­er quick­ly with min­i­mal wood­work­ing skills required. Required Tools Miter Saw Pneu­mat­ic Nail Gun Air Com­pres­sor Additional Supplies Fin­ish Nails (6) 1/4″ Sand­ed Ply­wood (Cut into 6 ” planks) (2) 1…

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