How to Make A Simple Eucalyptus Garland

This sim­ple gar­land is so easy I can hard­ly call it a DIY. The idea came from the want to dec­o­rate my man­tle and the need to lim­it my spending.…trying to bud­get for those pump­kins if you know what I mean. 

I grabbed some euca­lyp­tus gar­land I already has on hand and start­ed to brain­storm ways to make it look more fall-like. I decid­ed on lay­er­ing a few sim­ple gar­lands so they could eas­i­ly be inter­changed for dif­fer­ent seasons.

simple diy pinterest image


The euca­lyp­tus I found on Ama­zon. I love it because it is super flex­i­ble to it is per­fect for drap­ing and the pine cones I found at a local thift store. Both can be found online or maybe you should raid your clos­ets for the items

pine cones and buffalo check ribbon with eucalyptus


  1. I began by stretch­ing the gar­land out across the floor just to get an idea for length. 
  2. Then I began ran­dom­ly plac­ing the pine cones in the garland.
  3. Tie your pine cones to the euca­lyp­tus using jute twine.
  4. I made a sec­ond and third string with rib­bon and jute tas­sels attached to them
  5. Lay­er the garland(s) on your man­tle or where ever you want to add a touch of coziness

Pic­tured here is the method I used for hang­ing. Wrap­ping and tuck­ing the jute under the 2nd or 3rd row of nee­dles gave them all the rein­force­ment they need­ed to fit secure­ly to the garland. 

pine cone and eucalyptus

I sug­gest using a wire rib­bon to help your sim­ple gar­land hold its curl, it’s all about the details with this one. Sim­ply loop the rib­bon around the jute, like so.

buffalo check ribbon
buffalo check ribbon curl on jute

That real­ly is as sim­ple as it gets. It’s not per­fect but it reflects my style in a fun and new way.

pine cone and eucalyptus garland with buffalo check
buffalo check garland with eucalyptus and pumpkins

You can see here how we paired the sim­ple gar­land with tas­sels and rib­bon curls for a beau­ti­ful and sim­ple look.

pine cone and euclyptus garland on rustic mantle
rustic mantle with stone and pumpkin

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Kathryn says:

It’s a beau­ti­ful garland.

You have amaz­ing taste and I am excit­ed to try your projects and diy’s.

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