Welcome to the Roost

Hey Friend,

Hey there, wel­come to Roost and Restore Home—your cozy cor­ner of the inter­net for all things DIY, thrift­ed finds, and home­made goodness!

Here at Roost and Restore, we’re all about get­ting cre­ative with thrift­ed trea­sures, whip­ping up deli­cious meals from scratch, and adding a per­son­al touch to every cor­ner of your home. Whether you’re a sea­soned DIY enthu­si­ast or just dip­ping your toes into the world of home­mak­ing, we’ve got plen­ty of inspi­ra­tion and tips to help you cre­ate a space that’s unique­ly yours.

From trans­form­ing sec­ond­hand scores into styl­ish decor pieces to cook­ing up com­fort­ing meals using sim­ple ingre­di­ents, we’re here to make home­mak­ing fun, approach­able, and oh-so-rewarding.

So grab a cup of cof­fee, pull up a chair, and let’s dive into the won­der­ful world of DIY and home­made good­ness togeth­er. Wel­come to Roost and Restore Home—where cre­ativ­i­ty meets cozi­ness, and every project is a labor of love!

Get to know the Author

Hey there, I’m Kaycee, just a small-town girl from West­ern Ken­tucky, shar­ing the ups and downs of my jour­ney. I live in a cozy lit­tle house with my two boys, Lin­coln and Ledger, and let me tell you, life’s been quite the ride!

In 2018, I start­ed Roost and Restore Home—it was my lit­tle pas­sion project. From DIY crafts to home­made recipes, I poured my heart into cre­at­ing a warm and wel­com­ing space for every­one. By 2021, things were real­ly tak­ing off, and I was over the moon to open my own brick-and-mor­tar store.

But then came 2022, and with it, a tough chap­ter. A divorce shook me to my core, and I found myself rebuild­ing from the ground up. It was­n’t easy, but through it all, my faith became my rock. I redis­cov­ered my love for Christ and found strength in His promises.

In the midst of heal­ing from a destruc­tive rela­tion­ship, I am learn­ing to find joy in the sim­ple things. There’s mag­ic in a home-cooked meal shared with loved ones and beau­ty in giv­ing new life to old trea­sures found at thrift stores.

Nowa­days, my focus is on more than just dec­o­rat­ing homes—it’s about build­ing a com­mu­ni­ty of women who’ve been through it all and came out on the oth­er side with a smile on their face and a new found rev­er­ence. Through Roost and Restore Home, I hope to cre­ate a safe space where we can all sup­port each oth­er, laugh togeth­er, and find solace in know­ing we’re not alone.

Life’s jour­ney may have its twists and turns, but with a lit­tle faith and a lot of love, we can weath­er any storm and find peace in the beau­ty of every­day moments.

With love,

Kaycee Signature at Roost and Restore