How to Make Rustic Wood Peg Ornaments

These DIY wood peg orna­ments are the per­fect lit­tle rus­tic touch for your Christ­mas tree! Not only are they sim­ple and rus­tic, but these wood peg orna­ments are so incred­i­bly easy! 

I was for­tu­nate to be gift­ed these lit­tle pegs but but I have linked them in the sup­ply list below for your convivence.

What supplies do I need?

How to make Rustic Wood Peg Ornaments 

Time need­ed: 20 min­utes

  1. Stain the Wood Peg

    Use a paint brush to apply a thin coat of Valspar Antiquing glaze. This gives the wood a nice aged effect with­out using a messy stain or dis­tress­ing. It sim­ply brings out the beau­ty of the wood itself.antiquing a wood peg with glaze

  2. Attach Rib­bon

    The next step is attach­ing your rib­bon. A vari­a­tion of col­ors and pat­terns can make these wood peg orna­ments unique to you and your tree. For a nice full effect I sug­gest a few lay­ers of rib­bon. I sug­gest thin strips for pegs like these. The rib­bon demon­strat­ed here is 1in ribbon how to make a wood peg ornament with scrap ribbon

  3. Embell­ish

    Once the rib­bon was in place, the real fun begins! Noth­ing says rus­tic farm­house like rusty jin­gle bells, am I right? A com­bi­na­tion of bells and clip­pings from an old arti­fi­cial tree to top off this rus­tic lit­tle ornament. 
    easy DIY wood peg ornament with rusty bell and buffalo check ribbon

  4. Cre­ate a Hang­er

    This step is a no brain­er. You have to cre­ate a way to hang your new wood peg orna­ment. My best sug­ges­tion is tying a loop in some good ole jute twine and attach­ing with hot glue! Easy as pie.easy diy wood peg ornament

You can con­tin­ue these steps list­ed above, alter­ing fab­rics, bows and tex­tures to make an assort­ment of adorably rus­tic wood peg ornaments.

I just love how easy these are to cre­ate and I am in love with how stinkin cute they turned out. Do it your­self orna­ments are my favorite thing to cre­ate this time of year. In my house, lit­er­al­ly noth­ing is safe from becom­ing an orna­ment on my tree. 

rustic wood peg ornament with rusty bell and scrap buffalo check ribbon

You can see a whole col­lec­tion of DIY orna­ments HERE

rustic wood peg ornament DIY with buffalo check ribbon
rustic wood peg ornament DIY using scrap fabrics
diy wood peg ornament and rustic farmhouse scrap fabric

If you liked this project I think you will love our rus­tic print­able collection

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1 comment

Carla Parker Hopper says:

Love them!!!

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