Last Minute DIY Halloween Costume

This DIY wolf cos­tume was a prod­uct of my pro­cras­ti­na­tion. This year’s theme was lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood and I could not find a decent lit­tle boys wolf cos­tume any­where. I had a mask giv­en to me for free but it was too big and a lit­tle too scary for my 6 year old, how­ev­er, with a lit­tle imag­i­na­tion it could make the per­fect last minute Hal­loween costume. 

What do I need to make this Halloween Costume?

I think we can all agree this is not the cutest mask we have ever seen. Buu­ut it was free so I was deter­mine to make it work some­way or anoth­er. Stay with me here, if we can look past the smelly scary, rub­ber-faced wolf we can see that there is a lot of good faux fur on this guy, and that’s what we need the most.

wolf mask diy halloween costume

I began my rip­ping the seams that attached the fur to the rub­ber of the mask. Sur­pris­ing­ly it ripped fair­ly eas­i­ly and gave me a lot of fur to rework for a cuter, less scary DIY Hal­loween cos­tume. Here you can see the holes, this is where the rub­ber ears of the orig­i­nal wolf were . 

There was a curve to the fur, where it was detached from the orig­i­nal mask. It was the per­fect shape for a tail! I used a rotary cut­ter and a mat to cut through the fab­ric, repeat­ing for the oth­er side, and hot glued the halves using fab­ric glue.

When cut­ting faux fur, I rec­om­mend flip­ping the piece back­side up and cut­ting the fab­ric from that direc­tion. It makes for a clean­er and eas­i­er cut, as seen below.

easy diy halloween costume

I attached the tail to an old pair of jeans using the same fab­ric glue as before! This is a great way to put those old jeans to use, and again…cost effec­tive. An alter­na­tive would be head­ing to the Good­will for an old pair if needed. 

last minute halloween costume

The ears them­selves had their own lit­tle patch­es of fur which I also ripped off and glued to an old Mick­ey Mouse head­band I found at the bot­tom of the toy­box. (you’d be sur­prised what you can find down there) And just like that, you have wolf ears! 

faux fur halloween costume
easy DIY Halloween costume

After craft­ing the ears and tail, all oth­er scraps were left to chop up and attach to the front of the jeans.

The idea was for it to look like he was a boy trans­form­ing into a were­wolf and bust­ing out of his clothes. Again, I used the fab­ric glue and attached on the out­side sim­ply out of com­fort for my Linc. You could eas­i­ly add a lit­tle extra jagged touch by attach­ing the fab­ric inside the jeans, allow­ing the fab­ric to poke through the holes. 

We paired our jeans and ears with some spooky face paint and a plaid jack­et for a lit­tle extra warmth for the per­fect DIY Hal­loween cos­tume! He loved being in char­ac­ter all night and was the per­fect match to our lit­tle old Granny from Red Rid­ing Hood. If you’re won­der­ing, I found the wig, pearls and glass­es HERE! Paired with a lit­tle dress and tights and whala! 

last minute halloween costume ideas for boys werewolf and granny
last minute halloween costume for boys
diy halloween costume wolf and granny home made costumes

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