Last Minute DIY Halloween Costume

This DIY wolf cos­tume was a prod­uct of my pro­cras­ti­na­tion. This year’s theme was lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood and I could not find a decent lit­tle boys wolf cos­tume any­where. I had a mask giv­en to me for free but it was too big and a lit­tle too scary for my 6 year old, how­ev­er,…

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Easy Scrap Wood Halloween Decor

This easy scrap wood Hal­loween decor is so sim­ple and so fun! Every once in a while I like to throw in a cute project that you can get the kids involved in and this is def­i­nite­ly one of them.  Scrap wood is cheap and so ver­sa­tile when it comes to craft­ing. But I also under­stand…

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Video: How to Make an Easy Halloween Place Setting

I recent­ly decid­ed to cre­ate an easy Hal­loween place set­ting using a few crafty things I had around the house. After you see how ways it is to cre­ate this lit­tle spooky set­ting you will want to go scav­eng­ing your own stash…seriously! The best part, this entire set­ting took less that 5 min­utes to curate!…

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Dollar Tree Halloween Topiary

I seri­ous­ly can’t believe it time to start think­ing about Hal­loween already! This time of year for us is insane­ly busy…from birth­days to hol­i­days it stays jam packed! So I get that it may be a bit ear­ly for Hal­loween for some but if I don’t plan ahead it just will not happen.  This projects…

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Easy Halloween Sign Without Using Paint

SUPPLIES Wood piece Print­er Paper Mod Podge I absolute­ly love the Halloween/Fall sea­son. Every­thing about dress­ing up in cos­tumes, sip­ping cof­fee in the chilly temps, hay rides, corn mazes and pump­kin patches…ohhhh my good­ness I can’t wait. It may only be August but I have slow­ly start­ed trick­ling out my fall decor. Can I con­fess…

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