Dollar Tree Halloween Topiary

I seri­ous­ly can’t believe it time to start think­ing about Hal­loween already! This time of year for us is insane­ly busy…from birth­days to hol­i­days it stays jam packed! So I get that it may be a bit ear­ly for Hal­loween for some but if I don’t plan ahead it just will not happen. 

This projects is super fun and made almost entire­ly of Dol­lar Tree supplies…even better!

Start by adding hot glue to the rim of your ter­ra cot­ta pot and press­ing your Span­ish moss to the glue. I real­ly love the eeerie vibe the col­or of this moss gives to this topiary.

Add a lit­tle hot glue to the bot­tom of your first pump­kin and press it onto the pot.

I want­ed to break up the sol­id col­ors a bit, so I decid­ed to mod podge some funy rib­bon to the pump­kin in the mid­dle. To start this step, remove your stem and cov­er the pump­kin in mod podge. I sug­gest work­ing in small sec­tions so it does­n’t dry. 

I also coat­ed the out­side of the rib­bon to hard­en the sur­face. If you’ve nev­er worked with mod podge its like a super strong glue that dries nice and clear. 

While your mod podge pump­kin is dry­ing, grab your third and final pump­kin and stretch some faux spi­der web around it for a lit­tle extra creepy touch. 

Once all of your pump­kins are spruced to your lik­ing it’s time for the fun part…STACKING!! I rec­om­mend a lit­tle dab of hot glue and moss in between lay­ers, sim­ply repeat for each layer.

Adorn with a cute bow, and if you’re feel­in’ spunky replace our plas­tic stem with a lit­tle wood stick.


If you like this DIY you will love this free upcy­cled pump­kin! FIND IT HERE

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