Free Wood Box Pumpkin Makeover

Lis­ten, when you’re on a tight dec­o­rat­ing bud­get like I lit­er­al­ly always am, you can learn real quick how to make some­thing from noth­ing. In my recent thrift­ing adven­tures I found a cute lit­tle oval poplar wood box for FREE! It lit­er­al­ly does­n’t get any bet­ter than that! At the time I had no clue what I’d be using it for but I knew it had potential.

After get­ting my thrift­ed trea­sures home and unload­ing every­thing in the floor, I noticed my lit­tle box again. I had sat it out of the box hap­haz­ard­ly on its side and that’s when it hit me…I could make a pump­kin from it!

I wish i had a pic­ture of it look­ing all lone­ly in the “free” bas­ket at the store. Isn’t she cute?

And just as a tes­ta­ment to how cheap I real­ly was with this project, here is the stem. Any guess­es as to what it is?

If you said, “oh thats a bro­ken leg off anoth­er thrift­ed item” then you are cor­rect! I mean who does­n’t save their trash for projects.…right? Okay, okay, so maybe you aren’t hoard­ing trash over here like I am, but I could­n’t bring myself to throw out this lit­tle tiny chunk of wood from thrifter’s past.

You bet I hot glued that lit­tle thing to the top-front of the oval box and wha­la! The per­fect pump­kin stem!

After adding the stem I decid­ed that secur­ing the lid on the box with a lit­tle bit of hot glue along the inner edges of the lid was prob­a­bly a good idea.

I make a bow from scrap rib­bon and raf­fia I had lay­ing on my craft table and bam! There you have a per­fect lit­tle {FREE} pumpkin!


If you liked this lit­tle free­bie makeover you will LOVE this cute lit­tle FLANNEL PUMPKIN FOUND HERE.

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Kathryn P says:

This is SO cute!

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