Easy Painted Wood Sunflower

This wood sun­flower DIY was a lit­tle out­side of my com­fort zone. For some rea­son paint­ing makes me a ner­vous wreck buu­u­uttt I decid­ed to take a dose of my own med­i­cine, and like I always say “Just go for it!”  So this is me going for it. I decid­ed to give this sim­ple wood sun­flower…

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Video: How to Make an Easy Halloween Place Setting

I recent­ly decid­ed to cre­ate an easy Hal­loween place set­ting using a few crafty things I had around the house. After you see how ways it is to cre­ate this lit­tle spooky set­ting you will want to go scav­eng­ing your own stash…seriously! The best part, this entire set­ting took less that 5 min­utes to curate!…

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How to Arrange A Basket Wall for Beginners

I am glad you’re here. I want to encour­age you that if you’re new to this whole bas­ket gallery wall trend that you’re not alone. I have had many peo­ple ask how to arrange a bas­ket gallery wall. Where do you find bas­kets? And how dif­fi­cult is it to cre­ate one? I am here to show…

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Budget Friendly DIY Projects to Spruce Up Your Thanksgiving Table

Grow­ing up, Thanks­giv­ing meals were always held at my Grannie’s farm­house here in West­ern Ken­tucky. Most of our fam­i­ly lived with­in a 5 mile radius and we all piled in the mod­est, wood-pan­eled, den and kitchen area. There were so many cousins, aunts and uncles we were quite lit­er­al­ly piled on top of each oth­er.…

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Easy DIY Vintage Farmhouse Pumpkin

I must warn you before you read any fur­ther. I am hard core about some fall DIY over here at R+R late­ly. It tru­ly is my favorite time of year, now through Christ­mas real­ly. Some­thing just clicks in my brain and I lit­er­al­ly can’t turn it off. Every where I look I find inspiration. In…

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Dollar Tree Leaf Transformed into Farmhouse Decor

If you know me then you know how much I enjoy walk­ing the isles of the dol­lar store. It’s excit­ing to see all the amaz­ing good­ies you can find for $1. Even if the prod­uct itself is a lit­tle “meh” I encour­age you to think out­side the box and imag­ine it with a fresh coat…

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Dollar Tree Halloween Topiary

I seri­ous­ly can’t believe it time to start think­ing about Hal­loween already! This time of year for us is insane­ly busy…from birth­days to hol­i­days it stays jam packed! So I get that it may be a bit ear­ly for Hal­loween for some but if I don’t plan ahead it just will not happen.  This projects…

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Easy Natural Fall Tablescape Step-By-Step

Since mov­ing in our home a lit­tle over a year ago, we have done sev­er­al DIY projects togeth­er as a fam­i­ly. Most of which I regret not doc­u­ment­ing. My favorite project to date was the din­ing room table we built as a fam­i­ly. I did cap­ture a few of the spe­cial moments of us build­ing…

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DIY Buffalo Check Flannel Pumpkin

There is only one thing bet­ter than buf­fa­lo check.…buffalo check flannel! This project all stemmed from my need for pump­kins to min­gle in with my fall decor. Grab you some fab­ric (or an old flan­nel shirt) and a old pil­low and you’re on your way to DIY pump­kin heaven! Grab a pil­low you don’t mind…

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Free Wood Box Pumpkin Makeover

Lis­ten, when you’re on a tight dec­o­rat­ing bud­get like I lit­er­al­ly always am, you can learn real quick how to make some­thing from noth­ing. In my recent thrift­ing adven­tures I found a cute lit­tle oval poplar wood box for FREE! It lit­er­al­ly does­n’t get any bet­ter than that! At the time I had no clue…

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