Easy Painted Wood Sunflower

This wood sun­flower DIY was a lit­tle out­side of my com­fort zone. For some rea­son paint­ing makes me a ner­vous wreck buu­u­uttt I decid­ed to take a dose of my own med­i­cine, and like I always say “Just go for it!” 

So this is me going for it. I decid­ed to give this sim­ple wood sun­flower dimen­sion with a paint­ing tech­nique that I love to refer to as “wood but­ter­ing.” It’s lit­er­al­ly where you spread your paint on like you would but­ter a piece of toast…no kid­ding!

Watch me but­ter this Wood Sunflower.

This wood Sun­flower Kit is exclu­sive to our Wood Project Box. A month­ly decor build­ing sub­scrip­tion. We elim­i­nate the need to for mak­ing a trip to get lum­ber and break­ing out the pow­er tools. Just sim­ple, beau­ti­ful wood projects sent straight to your door each month!

Wood Project Box Sunflower DIY - The HomeGoods Market

I knew I want­ed some­thing dimen­sion­al using the deep­er shades of yel­low for this project so I went with a basic Apple bar­rel craft paint called Gold­en Sun­set and Gold Metal­lic.

I used the Gold­en Sun­set for the base of the project shown here. If you are con­cerned about wood grain show­ing through, you can always apply a thin white base coat beneath the color. 

Painted Wood Sunflower - The HomeGoods Market

The sec­ond gold metal­lic shade is the one I decid­ed to “but­ter.” To achieve this look all you have to do is spread the paint using a paint stick in a sin­gle direc­tion. Don’t wor­ry about mak­ing is smooth. Leav­ing some areas of thick paint will give the piece the dimen­sion that makes this tech­nique so fun! 

You can see that I start­ed from the cen­ter and stroked to the out­er edges.

Wood Buttering Painting Technique - The HomeGoods Market

The cen­ter of this kit was sim­ple hard board. Once side was smooth while the oth­er was tex­tured. I opt­ed to paint the tex­tured side, again for dimen­sion and character.

DIY Wood Sunflower Cut Out - The HomeGoods Market

Hot glue the 2 pieces togeth­er and there you have it! A beau­ti­ful wood sunflower.…plus it even stands on its own! 

Wood Block Sunflower - The HomeGoods Market
Wood Sunflower Decor - The HomeGoods Market

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