How to Arrange A Basket Wall for Beginners

I am glad you’re here. I want to encour­age you that if you’re new to this whole bas­ket gallery wall trend that you’re not alone. I have had many peo­ple ask how to arrange a bas­ket gallery wall. Where do you find bas­kets? And how dif­fi­cult is it to cre­ate one?

I am here to show even the absolute begin­ner how they can arrange a beau­ti­ful bas­ket gallery wall with a few easy tips and tricks that I used with almost every gallery wall I cre­ate. I hope this easy step by step tuto­r­i­al will leave you feel­ing mor con­fi­dent in tack­ling this type of project for yourself. 

Why You Need a Basket Wall 

First of all, let me tell you why this adven­ture to cre­at­ing a beau­ti­ful bas­ket gallery wall is a good idea. 

A bas­ket gallery wall is per­fect for so many rea­sons. They’re trendy, add instant tex­ture, pro­vide char­ac­ter and not to men­tion they are a bud­get friend­ly way to fill up an emp­ty wall.

This par­tic­u­lar bas­ket gallery wall is just so dif­fer­ent from any type project I’ve ever done and it came togeth­er in just a mat­ter of minutes. 

I am see­ing this trend become more and more pop­u­lar in both the vin­tage and boho farm­house styles. 

I have a love for bas­kets, trays, plat­ters ect and I also love to repur­pose things for a whole new use. 

This is a beau­ti­ful union of those two loves that make for a beau­ti­ful wall full of tex­ture that I can leave up through the seasons.

Where to Find Baskets 

It all start­ed with a col­lec­tion. A trip to the thrift store here and there and I’d see a bas­ket I loved and just had to pick it up and bring it home. If you love it, grab it. It’s good to have a vari­ety of shapes, sizes, col­ors and depths to a bas­ket wall to avoid anlook that is too matchy mstchy. 

I high­ly rec­om­mend thrift­ing your bas­kets if pos­si­ble. It will take a lit­tle time and cre­ativ­i­ty but I promise it will be worth it to you pock­et book. 

If thrift­ing isn’t in your future then I sug­gest online retail­ers like Hob­by Lob­by or Ama­zon to begin your search and collection.

How to Plan Your Layout 

Ok, so now you have your bas­kets and you’re prob­a­bly feel­ing a lit­tle over­whelmed with what to do with that stack. Don’t fret. That pile of good­ness will soon trans­form that plain bor­ing wall into a work of art.

Maybe you already have a spot in mind for your bas­kets and thats great. But if not take inven­to­ry of what walls need tex­ture or look naked. Give your­self some blank space to work with and don’t for­get thar this type of gallery wall can look amaz­ing in any room of your home. I have seen bas­ket walls on liv­ing rooms, hall­ways, startwells and even bath­room overe the tub or the toi­let. Its your choice, so go explore your spaces for a bit. 

Just like with any gallery wall I have ever cre­at­ed, I rec­om­mend lay­ing your ele­ments out on the floor first. This gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to arrange and rearrange with­out dam­ag­ing your walls or those pre­cious thrift­ed baskets.

Start with your largest bas­ket in the cen­ter and work out toward the cor­ners using your larg­er bas­kets first. I like to focus on two diag­o­nal cor­ners and make them bal­anced. And I always rec­om­mend you snap a pic­ture of the arrange­ment for ref­s­nce one you begin hanging.

  • Pick your wall
  • Lay them on the floor 
  • Start with largest bas­ket in the center
  • Work from the mid­dle out largest to smallest 
  • Cre­ate bal­ance in diag­o­nal cor­ners of your wall (ex. Bot­tom left-Top right)
  • Don’t be afraid to lay­er (you can attach them togeth­er with flo­ral wire)
Baskets of different shapes andnsozes laying out on the carpet

How to Hang the Baskets

Now that you’ve some­what nailed down the lay­out, it’s time to start hang­ing. You have a few options here when it comes to sus­pend­ing them on the wall. 

I used a basic pic­ture hang­ing kit that had sev­er­al dif­fer­ent gad­gets I may have need­ed for hang­ing, this just depends on the shape and size of your own baskets.

You can use flo­ral wire looped through the bas­ket itself to hang like you would a pic­ture or even a basic com­mand hook. 

Picture hsngin kitneoth brass nails, hooks and hanging supplies

When you are ready to start hang­ing fol­low the largest to small­est pat­tern that I shared ear­li­er. Place your largest bas­ket in the ent of your wall first and con­tin­ue to build out­ward, alter­nat­ing from side to side. 

Ue your pic­ture for ref­er­ence so you do not for­get what goes where.

Woman hanging baskets on the wall using a hammer
At first I thought I was going to lay­er a small­er bas­ket in the cen­ter. You will see that lat­er I changed my mind and lay­ered it with some­thing com­plete­ly different.

Add Your Own Flare 

I lay­ered my largest bas­ket with a sim­ple lit­tle (thrift­ed) wreath and a col­lec­tion of pump­kins for a touch of fall color. 

Feel free to mix in some green­ery or a shelf below your bas­kets to add your own per­son­al touch­es to the wall. It is a great time­less col­lec­tion. Change it up by swap­ping out sea­son­al weats or min­gle on col­ored bas­kets for dif­fer­ent holidays. 

Lay­ers on lay­ers give this wall so much dimension. 


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