Unique Ways to Use Wood Beads in Your Home Decor

If you are a lover of farm­house dec­o­rat­ing or even, most recent­ly, the trendy boho farm­house look then you have no doubt been see­ing how ver­sa­tile and beau­ti­ful wood beads can be in your décor.

What I love about wood beads is that they are time­less. And they can make even the small­est of details in your home be some of the most beau­ti­ful addi­tions. Think of them as sprin­kles on a cup­cake. Just that lit­tle some­thing extra that will take your décor to the next level. 

Wood beads can be glued, paint­ed, dipped, dyed, you name it and it has prob­a­bly been attempt­ed with a wood bead. Enjoy this col­lec­tion of beau­ti­ful and unique ways to use these lit­tle wood “sprin­kles” in your home!

1. Tassel with Scrap Ribbon

This is one of my per­son­al favorites, a wood bead tas­sel. As opposed to drap­ing, this one is meant for hang­ing. Looped around the next of a vase or hand it from you ceil­ing fan string, it’s dif­fer­ent that your typ­i­cal garland. 

buffalo check tassel with three wood beads attached to a glass vase

2. Napkin Rings 

A wood bead nap­kin ring is anoth­er sim­ple DIY that will add a touch of charm to your table set­ting. You have to see how easy the tuto­r­i­al is for these! In less than 10 min­utes your table could have a whole new feel. Col­or the beads to var­i­ous hol­i­days or themes or sim­ply keep them as is for a farm­house chic look.

wood bead minimalist napkin ring on a buffalo check napkin

3. Garland with Tag

I like this gar­land in that it uses a tag on one end! How bril­liant! Add a sea­son­al mes­sage or a bible verse to a wood tag and attach instead of a tra­di­tion­al tas­sel. What mes­sage would you write on yours? 

wood bead garland with home tag on a teired tray

4. Wood Bead Light Cover

This DIY wood bead light cov­er is a beau­ti­ful way to add charm and beau­ty to those old bor­ing light fixtures. 

wood beads string into a light cover have sphere

5. Wood Bead Door Wreath

Jum­bo bead­ed wreaths are becom­ing more and more pop­u­lar farm­house front doors! I don’t know about you but this is a band­wag­on I am hap­py to jump on! It adds an eye catch­ing and unex­pect­ed ele­ment to your curb appeal.

6. Farmhouse Pumpkin 

Wood bead pump­kins may be my next obses­sion. This would be a fun DIY project to add to your fall décor. It may be fun to use this idea and cre­ate oth­er shapes for shelf sit­ters or addi­tions to a tiered tray. I’d love to know your sug­ges­tions in the comments. 

wood beads on wire in the shape of a pumpkin

7. Wood Bead Trivet 

A wood bead triv­et is genius! I love how beau­ti­ful this would be sit­ting on the kitchen counter or hold­ing your dish­es on the table. This is proof that wood bead décor can be func­tion­al too! When pret­ty meets prac­ti­cal my heart skips a beat! 

wood beads on jute circled intoa trivet

8. Boho Wall Hanging

This boho wall hang­ing is my newest addi­tion to my list of DIY décor. I think you will agree! The com­bi­na­tion of beads and green­ery make this wall hang­ing bold and beau­ti­ful enough to hang alone. 

wood bead garland stranding hanging from a dowel rod with greenery

9. Beaded Vase

This DIY wood bead­ed vase is bril­liant to feed your wood bead décor obses­sion. I love the tex­ture it brings to an arrange­ment of flow­ers. A time­less addi­tion to you vase col­lec­tion no doubt! 

wood beads attaches to a base with evergreen in the vase

10. Door Knob Hanger 

A wood bead door hang­er is a beau­ti­ful way to bring that farm­house charm into your home. I love fun lit­tle sur­pris­es tucked away in the most unex­pect­ed places. Wood beads make it easy to shift away from hang­ing your bra from the clos­et door knobs (come on you know you’re guilty too) Who would want to cov­er up this cute­ness, am I right?

wood bead tassel hanghing on door knob

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1 comment

Chasity Mayo says:

Love this!

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