How to Make Wood Bead Tassel DIY Decor

I am always look­ing for home decor to cre­ate on my own. Don’t get me wrong I love doing all types of crafts but I espe­cial­ly love the ones I can dis­play in my home year round. This is exact­ly why I am excit­ed to teach you how to make wood bead tas­sel DIY decor.

Not only is this one sim­ple but it incor­po­rates one of my very favorite elements…wood! I have var­i­ous wood bead gar­lands, tas­sels, cut­ting boards, bowls and more scat­tered through­out my home and I am excit­ed to add this cute lit­tle addition.


*these ar affil­i­at­ed links which means I may make a small com­mis­sion if you pur­chase through my link. Don’t wor­ry, this is no extra charge to you.

DIY wood bead tassel with buffalo check ribbon


Start with a piece of hemp twine about 18 inch­es or so, and tie it to make a closed loop. I skipped the mea­sur­ing, like always, and just went with what­ev­er felt right. The length can eas­i­ly be mod­i­fied later.

DIY wood bead tassel with buffalo check ribbon


Gath­er var­i­ous styles of rib­bon, cut at ran­dom lengths. They don’t have to be exact­ly the same,but I do rec­om­mend keep­ing them some­what similar. 

I was going for a more neu­tral farm­house look with these col­ors but I can see how beau­ti­ful this would be in bright and vibrant col­ors as well.

Lay your col­lec­tion of rib­bon across the por­tion of your hemp where you cre­at­ed the knot. The hemp should be about cen­ter to the rib­bon layers.

DIY wood bead tassel with buffalo check ribbon


Next, gath­er your rib­bon around the hemp and tie using anoth­er small­er piece of hemp twine, wrap­ping it around the rib­bon a few times for a gath­ered look. Tie secure­ly and snip off the excess.

This step is super impor­tant for the final look and over­all dura­bil­i­ty of your tas­sel. Not only will it secure the rib­bon but it will also fold every­thing nice and tight so they are hang­ing down instead of stick­ing out. 

I real­ize that may be dif­fi­cult to under­stand via text, see the pic­ture below for reference.

Relat­ed: Cute and Easy Scrap Rib­bon Storage 

Relat­ed: Scrap Fab­ric Christ­mas Ornament 

DIY wood bead tassel with buffalo check ribbon


As you can see this DIY Wood Bead Tas­sel is real­ly tart­ing to take shape. Adding the beads will give it just a lit­tle extra touch. Grab 3 dif­fer­ent beads and thread them onto the hemp from largest to smallest. 

This is a great time to decide whether you want to con­tin­ue adding beads the entire length of the hemp or just stop with a lit­tle teird­ed col­lec­tion like I did.

Either way is fine, just keep the end in mind. You may wish to cre­ate a tassle on the oppo­site end as well. I went with a more “naked” appraoch and only used the three.

ribbon scraps tied together with hemp twine
threading a large wood bead on to hemp with buffalo check ribbon

Loop your hemp around your fin­ger to cre­ate a knot just above your last bead. This will keep your beads secure.

wood beads on hemp twine

Style It!

That’s it! It is seri­ous­ly that easy! You have com­plet­ed all the steps for your wood bead tas­sel DIY and you’re ready to put it to good use in your home decor.

Style your new DIY wood bead tas­sel on door knobs, lamps, vas­es or even hang from your ceil­ing fan! It’s the per­fect embell­ish­ment for your exist­ing decor!

I like the sim­plic­i­ty of the exposed hemp twine makes it easy to hang on dif­fer­ent dec­o­ra­tive pieces in your home.

Want to see more DIY home decor ideas?

Relat­ed: DIY Wood Block House

Relat­ed: Buf­fa­lo Check Rib­bon Christ­mas Ornament 

DIY wood bead tassel wrapped around glass vase with deer antler in the background


DIY wood bead tassel with buffalo check ribbon

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