How to Make Wood Bead Tassel DIY Decor

I am always look­ing for home decor to cre­ate on my own. Don’t get me wrong I love doing all types of crafts but I espe­cial­ly love the ones I can dis­play in my home year round. This is exact­ly why I am excit­ed to teach you how to make wood bead tas­sel DIY decor. Not…

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DIY Walnut Wood Stain

I am so excit­ed to have made this DIY Wal­nut Wood Stain! It is a game chager for peo­ple who love to get their hands dirty and make things for them­self! The best part??? It only requires TWO, yes two, ingre­di­ents to pre­pare! It’s quick, easy and so beautiful! STEP ONE- GATHER NUTS From start…

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Composting for Beginners

Let me just be up front and say this is my very first time work­ing with com­post. We are new to hav­ing our own home­stead though we are famil­iar with gar­den­ing and liv­ing off the land. Since mov­ing here in Decem­ber we have been slow­ly get­ting things in place as we tran­si­tion into the home­stead…

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Patriotic Wood Block Decor

There is noth­ing much more prim­i­tive than chunky wood block decor. I have always been drawn to the prim­itve patri­ot­ic look. Not only are they cute but these blocks are about as easy as it gets. Sup­plies 2x4 blocks cut as fol­lows (7″, 5″, 5″, 4″, 3.5″) PURCHASE PRECUT SET HERE stain book pages or craft paper  mod…

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Easy Wood Block Flag Banner

This project was inspired by THIS ONE I made last year. I decid­ed to try my hand at cre­at­ing some­thing with a more prim­i­tive look. Prim­i­tive and clas­sic has always been my favorite theme for sum­mer hol­i­days. There just seems to be a lot of nos­tal­gia dur­ing the warmer months.  Prim­i­tives usu­al­ly have dark­er shades…

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DIY Herb Racks for Your Kitchen

An herb rack is one of those items you nev­er knew you need­ed for your kitchen. I am cur­rent­ly try­ing to dream up an idea for cre­at­ing my own for my kitchen. I have basil, rose­mary, thyme and oregeno in my win­dow seal that are ready for har­vest and I am loo­ing for a beau­ti­ful…

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How to Clean and Season Cast Iron

Good ole cast iron. There real­ly is no oth­er way to cook and sea­son your food the old fash­ioned way. Grow­ing up I remem­ber mom say­ing the same thing. She had a col­lec­tion of cast iron from all over, and she still has my Grannie’s from years and years ago. I remem­ber cook­ing over an…

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DIY Paper Scroll Wall Decor

I recent­ly paint­ed a wall in our liv­ing room and I have been try­ing to decide how to style it. I com­plet­ed the first ele­ment for the wall today. A DIY brown paper scroll. You can buy hand let­tered scrolls off Etsy but the size I need­ed was a bit pricey. Mak­ing one this way…

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Sweet Southern Sun Tea

Hon­est­ly I don’t remem­ber hav­ing a whole lot­ta sun tea grow­ing up. In fact, it was a on going joke that my mom could­n’t make good tea. She always seemed to scald it on the stove and it had a burnt taste. She was even gift­ed a fan­cy tea mak­er one year for Christ­mas which…

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Amish Cinnamon Swirl Bread

I made this recipe for the first time this morn­ing. Sun­day’s are typ­i­cal­ly crazy in our house. Rush­ing for show­ers and get­ting ready for church. Due to the cur­rent quar­an­tine we watched church from home and kept our social dis­tance but y’all, can I just say, no amount of social dis­tance should keep you from…

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