Patriotic Wood Block Decor

There is noth­ing much more prim­i­tive than chunky wood block decor. I have always been drawn to the prim­itve patri­ot­ic look. Not only are they cute but these blocks are about as easy as it gets.


  • 2x4 blocks cut as fol­lows (7″, 5″, 5″, 4″, 3.5″) PURCHASE PRECUT SET HERE
  • stain
  • book pages or craft paper 
  • mod modge
  • paint
  • sten­cils

Start by stain­ing your wood. I am using my own DIY STAIN, and allow to cry to the touch. This par­tic­u­lar stain is much thin­ner than a retail stain and drys quick­ly. My favoite part about this stian is the aged look it gives the wood once it’s dry. Trust me you need to give it a go! It is super easy and not to men­tion a mon­ey saver too!

While the blocks were dry­ing, I rough­ly ripped up some old book pages to fit my blocks. I didn;t wor­ry a great deal about them being per­fect, just make them a bit small­er than the blocks them­selves so you can see the pret­ty stain around the edges.

Apply mod modge to your wood. Press the page into the mod podge and cov­er with a top coat to seal.

Allow plen­ty of time for the mod podge top coat to be dry to the touch. I wait­ed about 30 min­utes before bring­ing my blocks in to sten­cil and embel­ish. How you chose to get your let­ters on your blocks is up to you. I per­son­al­ly used a com­bi­na­tion of sten­cil­ing and hand paint­ed lettering.

It’s impor­tant to note that you will want to arrange your blocks by size before paint­ing. I liked the stag­gered look so I moved them around until I found a look that I loved. 

Once you have our let­ter­ing just so, embel­ish as desired! I used a scrap­py lit­tle bow made from scrap rib­bon and fab­rics to nod to the prim­i­tive look. Feel free to add an extra lit­tle rus­tic touch by sand­ing the edges of your wood. Just get creative! 



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Lisa Bould says:

I have a cou­ple of ques­tions. I want­ed to order the patri­ot­ic bun­dle but okay saw the 4th block instruc­tions. It is the wood only In the kits ? Cor­rect. In addi­tion where do I find instruc­tion On how to make the cor­rect your per­fect stain. I have pur­chased many and I don’t like them . I am an jour­nal­ist /editor in my old life. ♥️Please do not take this the wrong way but have some­one proof­read for spelling and punc­tu­a­tion on your page . Please just point­ing out so you know, you can take it for what is worth. Any­way I couldn’t get the site to work on Face­book link but went and did web search and it worked per­fect­ly . You have an amaz­ing tal­ent and I love all of your projects. I like the prim­i­tive not all that dol­lar store hokey stuff. I under­stand why oth­ers attract fol­low­ers with low cost approach and some is super cute but it starts to all look the same. I fol­low many sites, my favorites are you, The Shab­by Tree, and Belle of the Barn. Love to help small busi­ness and do admire you beau­ti­ful, spir­i­tu­al women using their god giv­en tal­ent while work­ing at home , rais­ing your chil­dren and cre­at­ing a safe and beau­ti­ful home to live your best life and share with those of us try­ing to repli­cate and for a moment in time take our minds off the crazi­ness of the world and enjoy the peace and seren­i­ty of the coun­try life.

roostandrestore says:

Yes it is wood only in the kits at this time. I demon­strate how to assem­ble and dec­o­rate them on Face­book as well as writ­ten instruc­tions here on the blog. I hope this answers your ques­tions! Feel free to reach out if you have oth­er con­cerns before purchasing!

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