Budget Friendly DIY Projects to Spruce Up Your Thanksgiving Table

Grow­ing up, Thanks­giv­ing meals were always held at my Grannie’s farm­house here in West­ern Ken­tucky. Most of our fam­i­ly lived with­in a 5 mile radius and we all piled in the mod­est, wood-pan­eled, den and kitchen area. There were so many cousins, aunts and uncles we were quite lit­er­al­ly piled on top of each oth­er. But hon­est­ly, that was how I liked it! When my Grannie, the Matri­arch, passed in 2008 the fam­i­ly sud­den­ly stopped hav­ing large hol­i­day meals togeth­er. Instead we all split off into our own lit­tle units and haven’t had a meal togeth­er since. But alas, my mom has car­ried the torch for our fam­i­ly and no mat­ter the cir­cum­stance, we have our hol­i­day meals under her roof. Due to the loom­ing pos­si­bil­i­ty of mom hav­ing surgery, this year, our Thanks­giv­ing meal may look a tad dif­fer­ent for our family.

I have always loved to host, even since I was a child. And even though I haven’t offi­cial­ly been hand­ed the torch for this years meal, I am eager­ly sift­ing an search­ing for bud­get-friend­ly ways that will make the meal extra cozy for my family. 

Maybe you too have found your­self as the host for this years fes­tiv­i­ties, don’t fret. I have already done the leg work in find­ing some amaz­ing­ly sim­ple and sur­pris­ing cheap DIY’s for your Thanks­giv­ing Table. 

Let’s begin with this ah-dorable lit­tle serv­ing tray. I have seen lots of DIY ver­sions of serv­ing trays but nev­er one that used a Dol­lar Store pump­kin. This one is a no brain­er! Cheap, sim­ple and cute…we are already off to a good start!

Now this lit­tle dit­ty I have been want­i­ng to try for myself for quite some time, and now just may be the time to do it. Go grab all that extra jute from your craft stash, you know you have it stashed some­where, and start DIY-ing away at these sim­ple lit­tle place mats.

I love this idea because HELLO it’s sim­ple! I had one of those “duh” moments when I came across this DIY sage wrapped can­dle. It is like­ly you will already have the sage handy for cook­ing so why not use the left­overs to make these adorable lit­tle can­dles? They are cute and I am sure they would smell just as festive!

If you have fol­lowed my blog at all you know I am a suck­er for a good Dol­lar Tree craft. I love how every sim­ple part of this cute lit­tle corn ker­nel cen­ter­piece can be pur­chased for just $3. Not to men­tion, the ker­nels bring a sub­tle nat­ur­al vibe to your table. 

Okay, so this one con­vict­ed me just a tad. Please don’t judge but I am blam­ing this on my mom brain. I bought a bun­dle of wheat a while back and it has lit­er­al­ly just laid on my counter for weeks. I bought it and lit­er­al­ly had no idea what to do with it until now. 

This is anoth­er must-try on my list. I mean how cute are these? Pump­kin tealight can­dle hold­ers are just beg­ging to be a part of your Thanks­giv­ing table this year. So sim­ple, yet so festive! 

No run­ner? No Prob­lem! Grab a piece of burlap and a sten­cil to make this super cute and easy table run­ner! Chances are you already have every­thing you need to pump out this adorable DIY. 

I just love a per­son­al­ized set­ting. Now I also real­ize that this type of DIY may not total­ly be easy for some to exe­cute but I had to share none-the-less sim­ply because it’s so dang cute. If you would like to fit me in your sched­ule to teach me hand-let­ter­ing, please let me know…kidding…but seriously.

This DIY place card hold­er is just about as sim­ple as it gets, AND I promise you can do this one for prac­ti­cal­ly FREE! Go grab some sticks and hot glue and your’re set. *Not to be mis­tak­en for glue sticks-hehe, see what did there?

This doily table­cloth is just fab­u­lous. I am kick­ing myself for let­ting go of all of those doilies from for­ev­er ago. I am pic­tur­ing this being com­plet­ed with a large piece of fab­ric, maybe a sheet, and some fab­ric glue? It could be a great no-sew option for a tablecloth! 

I shared this one on my on blog recent­ly and I have to admit I haven’t stopped swoon­ing. You can eas­i­ly make a sil­ver­ware pock­et using a brown paper lunch bag! Grab your stamps and Elmer’s Glue for this one! 

Now I love myself a good wood bead craft. This lit­tle DIY nap­kin ring was made with only TWO sup­plies! That is the type of sim­plic­i­ty I can get behind. 

You see, the thing is, I have come to real­ize that host­ing a big meal does­n’t have to be com­pli­cat­ed or pricey, trust me all that moo-lah deserves to be spent on the grub. I love that most of these projects are sim­ple and easy on the wal­let. Maybe one grabbed your atten­tion? I would love to know which one inspired you the most in the comments!



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Esther Brown says:

I made the diy wood bead nap­kin rings! They are awe­some! I watch tons of blog­gers and craft DIY’ers but you are my favorite!!

roostandrestore says:

Girl that is the sweet­est thing I’ve read all day. It makes my heart hap­py to hear that you are using the tuto­ri­als and lov­ing them!! ???

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