Thrifted DIY Snow Scene Christmas Cloche

I am up bright and ear­ly on this chilly Octo­ber morn­ing sip­ping my cof­fee in my fuzzy socks and dream­ing of all the beau­ti­ful Christ­mas things. The lights, the orna­ments, the trees, the gifts. Every lit­tle thing about Christ­mas makes me so gid­dy. Typ­i­cal­ly I am a Hal­loween gal, and believe me when I say that both Hal­loween and Thanks­giv­ing deserve their time in the spot­light, but this year I am real­ly fight­ing the urge to jump head first into Christmas. 

You see the thing is, I like to think ahead. For weeks now I have been get­ting a plan of action togeth­er for my Christ­mas decor, start­ing with the base­ment and work­ing my way up to the main liv­ing space. But then yes­ter­day hap­pened. Yes­ter­day, we went and looked at a house and farm that we could pos­si­bly be mak­ing our for­ev­er home. I don’t want to share any­thing pre-mature­ly but it is quite pos­si­ble that our Christ­mas may look a bit dif­fer­ent than I had orig­i­nal­ly planned. 

With that being said, I am scal­ing back on going full-blown Christ­mas at the moment and instead choos­ing to focus on the small details that can help cozy up your space with very lit­tle time and mon­ey. This thrifty DIY all start­ed s few weeks ago when I got it in my head that I want­ed to cre­ate cloche. In fact, I did­n’t even know there was an offi­cial term for those pret­ty lit­tle glass globe thingys until recent­ly HA! For those of you that knew, please don’t judge, and for those of you who were in the same boat as me…you’re wel­come. You learned some­thing new today. So one day while strolling the isle of my favorite local thrift store I found it. THE per­fect glass shaped dome. It was part of an angel dis­play and actu­al­ly the globe itself was plas­tic (even bet­ter when you have small kid­dos) The whole con­trap­tion was $4 but I was only after the globe. I snatched it up and threw out the orig­i­nal base (now I am kick­ing myself for not hav­ing a pho­to of what it looked like orig­i­nal­ly) So that is how this sto­ry begins, a good thrift store find and an irre­sistible urge for Christ­mas decor. 


Cloche or glass globe like shape

Base or dish for your display

Bot­tle brush trees

Faux Frosty Snow 

I snagged this adorable lit­tle vase from a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent thrift­ing trip back in the sum­mer. The design and neu­tral col­or is what grabbed my atten­tion about this piece in the first place. I think the part of this project that makes me the hap­pi­est, is just how per­fect the vase and the base fit togeth­er so per­fect­ly. It is lit­er­al­ly a match made in thrifter’s heav­en. You will see what I mean momentarily.

The next key ele­ment in assem­bling this lit­tle beau­ty is the bot­tle brush trees. I’m not sure if that it their offi­cial title but that is what I like to call them. I snagged all three of these, in three dif­fer­ent sizes, for less than $5 at Wal-Mart. If you haven’t already checked it out, their Christ­mas decor sec­tion is super impres­sive this year! 

And last­ly, and per­haps the most impor­tant part of cre­at­ing this snow scene is, of course, the SNOW!. I grabbed a bag of the Frosty Snow, also from Wal­mart. Let me just say that you will only need a tiny por­tion of this snow for this par­tic­u­lar project. But for about $4 you get a gen­er­ous amount for all you oth­er Christ­mas projects.

Once you have gath­ered all your mate­r­i­al it’s time to assem­ble. This is one of the eas­i­est DIY projects I have ever com­plet­ed and I must say it is STUNNING! I start­ed by putting a cou­ple hand­fuls of the frosty snow on the base.

Next, sim­ply take your trees, start­ing with the largest, and “bury” the bases in the snow so all you can see is the stem. 

Just for a lit­tle added touch, I sprin­kled the tops of the trees with some snow as well.

Once you have your trees placed and “flocked” sim­ply place your globe over the top! That’s it folks! If you take any­thing away from this DIY, it is be on the look­out for those cute lit­tle stands or glass­ware that can be paired togeth­er to make a cloche. Each part of this project came from two sep­a­rate thrift­ing adVen­tures. Go ahead and pic those types of things up even if you aren’t sure where you will use them! 


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