How to Make a Rustic Embroidery Hoop Wreath

This DIY embroi­dery hoop wreath is the per­fect addi­tion to your rus­tic Christ­mas decor. This project start­ed much like the oth­ers, with a trip to the thrift store! Which if you know me, is my absolute favorite place to shop for sup­plies. I always keep my eye open for wood hoops, wood uten­sils and any oth­er pieces that can be repurposed.

When I’m not thrift­ing I am raid­ing the scrap wood pile for sup­plies. That is exact­ly why I cre­at­ed Roost + Restore Sup­ply; to give peo­ple access to the wood you need to make your projects come to life! Shop our scrap wood projects to get start­ed on your next DIY!

Supplies for an Embroidery Hoop Wreath

  • oblong embroi­dery hoop
  • green­ery picks
  • flo­ral wire
  • rib­bon
  • embell­ish­ments of choice

One of the most essen­tial ele­ments that brought this embroi­dery hoop wreath togeth­er are the faux hard nee­dle pine picks I found at Wal­mart for $0.97.

I start­ed by lay­ing the picks out on the hoop to get an idea of where I would actu­al­ly attach them. 

Then, using flo­ral wire, I secured the picks in place. Sim­ply wrap the wire around and twist sev­er­al times until the pick is nice and snug against the hoop. 

Repeat this step for the remain­ing picks. 

Once your picks are in place, make (or buy) a bow to attach where the picks meet. I used a tech­nique here that I like to call the fold and twist bow with pine cone embelishments. 

You can cre­ate this look by lay­er­ing your fab­ric strips from largest to small­est. (my favorite for this style is burlap) Tie the fab­ric lay­ers in the mid­dle with anoth­er strip of fab­ric. Twist each piece of fab­ric close to the cen­ter. This is what will cre­ate a nice full look for your bow. 

I added some adorable mini pine cones for embell­ish­ment in the cen­ter to top it off.

Once the picks and the bow were nice and secure, I added a lit­tle spe­cial touch of a wood­en word. Browse our selec­tion of wood project sup­plies here.

Glue your word to the bot­tom of the hoop to fin­ish the rus­tic yet sim­ple look.

Y’all that is lit­er­al­ly it! A beau­ti­ful embroi­dery hoop wreath that will add the per­fect rus­tic touch to your Christ­mas decor this year. 


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