Easy Scrap Wood Halloween Decor

This easy scrap wood Hal­loween decor is so sim­ple and so fun! Every once in a while I like to throw in a cute project that you can get the kids involved in and this is def­i­nite­ly one of them. 

Scrap wood is cheap and so ver­sa­tile when it comes to craft­ing. But I also under­stand not every­one is able to get their hands on pieces like the one I use in this project. That is why I cre­at­ed the Scrap Wood Project Box. It’s a sub­scrip­tion box of curat­ed scrap wood projects that you can have deliv­ered straight to your door each and every month. There are mul­ti­ple themed projects in each box and we have cre­at­ed a Pin­ter­est com­mu­ni­ty where we can all share ideas and col­lab­o­rate on a pri­vate Pin­ter­est board.

If this sounds like some­thing you would like to become a part of I encour­age you to hop on our wait­list now or learn more HERE so you can be the first to know when we open up our cart to new sub­scribers in 2021.

diy scrap wood decoration for halloween


  • Scrap Wood Block
  • Green paint, I am using Moss by Waverly
  • Black Paint Pen
  • Paint­brush
  • Hot Glue
  • Sand Paper
  • Small Witch Hat, I am using one tak­en from a Dol­lar Store Headband
  • Small sticks or raffia 

Start by paint­ing your wood block a witchy green col­or. I am cur­rent­ly obsessed with this Moss green by Waver­ly. It can be found at your local Wal­mart in the craft sup­ply sec­tion. It is a mat­te fin­ish chalk paint that has excel­lent cov­er­age. I lit­er­al­ly bought almost every col­or they had in stock! 

wood block painted moss green

Once your paint is dry, the real fun (or chal­lenge if you’re me) begins. Grab your paint pen and make your lit­tle green witch come to life! A few ovals for eyes, slant­ed brows for that scowl and a squig­gly lit­tle mouth gave this wood block a cute lit­tle personality! 

Don’t over think it. That is the good thing about paint. If you mess it up you can just paint right over it. In fact, I did that very thing. 

painting on wood block
wood block painted moss green with witch face

Now is the per­fect time to dis­tress your wood block, if you wish to do so. I love to dis­tress most of my projects. A lit­tle light sand­ing nev­er hurt.

Next came her hair. Raf­fia was a big con­tender for this step but I ulti­mate­ly went with these twig­gy type pieces from an old dec­o­ra­tive swag. I found the swag at a local thrift store…come to think of it I will add a pic­ture of this lat­er … and it was a lit­tle drab for dis­play so I sac­ri­ficed it for craft­ing. RIP lit­tle swag, your fall dec­o­rat­ing lega­cy will live on.

One of the defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics of a good spooky witch is her hair. I think you will enjoy the char­ac­ter and messi­ness this will add to your wood block. Sim­ply hot glue and hold in place.

wood stick witch hair
witch wood block decor with stick hair

The next and final step of cre­at­ing this easy scrap wood Hal­loween decor is attach­ing the witch­es hat. I used the small hat off of a dol­lar store head­band. I could­n’t let her go with just a basic hat, so I added a lit­tle buf­fa­lo check bow to top it off.

witch hat headbans

scrap wood block witch with dollar tree hat
scrap wood witch

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