How to Flock a Christmas Tree Using Snoflock Powder

I am excit­ed to share with you how to flock your Christ­mas tree using Snoflock. Snoflock is a pow­der that expands when intro­duced to mois­ture and cre­ates a per­fect, nat­u­ral­ly flocked look when used cor­rect­ly. Once your tree is flocked it will be ready to dec­o­rate with­in 24 hours. While you’re wait­ing check out all…

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Easy Scrap Wood Halloween Decor

This easy scrap wood Hal­loween decor is so sim­ple and so fun! Every once in a while I like to throw in a cute project that you can get the kids involved in and this is def­i­nite­ly one of them.  Scrap wood is cheap and so ver­sa­tile when it comes to craft­ing. But I also under­stand…

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Budget Friendly Fall Front Porch without Mums

Today I am shar­ing the main entry way here at the home­stead and how I styled it with­out using mums. I am hope­ful every year that I will man­age to keep my mums alive and every year they end up dead…haha please tell me I’m not the only one with this prob­lem? With­out fur­ther delay,…

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DIY Spindle Carrots

Mak­ing Spring decor using these skin­ny spin­dles from the shop just may be my new obses­sion! Not only was thi project easy, but also, the end result turned out absolute­ly amazing!  What you will need: Spin­dles Miter Saw Green flo­ral stems hot clue orange paint small paint brush twine and/or raffia The process start­ed out fair­ly sim­ple. I…

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Dollar Tree Haunted House

If you love Hal­loween dec­o­rat­ing like I do then you are sure to love this lit­tle Dol­lar Tree haunt­ed house. It’s sim­ple to make and it turned out oh so cute. Dol­lar tree projects like this one are per­fect for get­ting the kid­dos involved too. I actu­al­ly had a fun time craft­ing this dol­lar tree…

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Rae Dunn Inspired Christmas Plates

If you have nev­er heard of Rae Dunn it is very pos­si­ble that you may be liv­ing under a rock. It is seri­ous­ly all the rage in farm­house styled décor right now. I must admit I am not entire­ly sure why since noth­ing about the sim­ple designs scream farm­house to me…BUT…they are sim­ply presh…you know…

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DIY Farmhouse Riser from Baseball Nubs

This project has been months in the mak­ing. In order for you to appre­ci­ate this project I have to share a lit­tle back story. A few months ago I was asked to present a project at a live craft­ing event host­ed by Brooke Riley from Re-fabbed. I knew I want­ed to teach the ladies to make…

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Easy Burlap Flower Pocket

SUPPLIES Large paint sticks White paint Paint brush Large piece of burlap Uphol­stery tacks Jute or ribbon Hot Glue Faux flow­ers I am so excit­ed to share this project. It was def­i­nite­ly one of those “ah-ha” moments in craft­ing. I just love it when a plan comes togeth­er. My inspi­ra­tion came from see­ing a tray made…

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Creating a Budget Friendly Gallery Wall

There is some­thing very sat­is­fy­ing about going a trea­sure hunt through your own house look­ing for things to hang togeth­er. Its excit­ing to see a bunch of ran­dom objects some togeth­er to cre­ate one cohe­sive look. Chances are, you already have most of what you need lay­ing around the house. Take this cute lit­tle piece for…

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