Dollar Tree Haunted House

If you love Hal­loween dec­o­rat­ing like I do then you are sure to love this lit­tle Dol­lar Tree haunt­ed house. It’s sim­ple to make and it turned out oh so cute. Dol­lar tree projects like this one are per­fect for get­ting the kid­dos involved too. I actu­al­ly had a fun time craft­ing this dol­lar tree haunt­ed house with my mom and it was just what the doc­tor ordered. This would make a cute lit­tle addi­tion to a gallery wall or as part of a fun lit­tle vignette. I have includ­ed a list of sup­plies. I did not include all of the small­er lit­tle ele­ments. Once your see the pic­tures it can give you an idea for what to look for dur­ing your next dol­lar store visit.


  • Haunt­ed House Wood Cutout
  • A back­ing of some sort. I used cor­ru­gat­ed met­al from an old sign for added texture
  • Paint
  • Sand­pa­per
  • Paint
  • Mod­podge
  • Hot Glue

I used Min­wax Espres­so to stain the cutout. Then, using mod podge, I applied orange pol­ka dot scrap­book paper to the back­side to add a pop of funky design and color. 

Can I let you in on a lit­tle secret? These lit­tle twig­gy type picks (that’s what you call them right?) from the Dol­lar tree are my absolute favorite fillers to grab from their flo­ral sec­tion. They make good vase fillers and they are per­fect to dis­as­sem­ble with wire cutters 

After the picks were hot glued, I used a bit of spray adhe­sive and Span­ish Moss to cov­er the hot glued end of the picks. This stuff is mag­ic. It is per­fect for these types of moss­es. The best part? It does­n’t burn your fin­gers. I know the pain all too well. 

For a lit­tle added touch, I col­ored a few Dol­lar Tree wood­en pump­kin stick­ers to sprin­kle among the moss. This was the lit­tle detail that real­ly took this fun lit­tle project to the next lev­el. If you haven’t involved the kid­dos by this point, it would be a great time to let them dec­o­rate the lit­tle pumpkins!

coloring a wood pumpkin sticker with an orange marker
wood dollar tree haunted house cutout stained and attached to a metal backing.

And for the final and fin­ish­ing touch.…duh..duh..duh…a full moon! A haunt­ed house would­n’t be com­plete with­out a full moon! Am I right? In this case, our moon was made by cut­ting a traced cir­cle from a free paint chip! How fun is this? I was so excit­ed see­ing this lit­tle thing come together!

dollar tree haunted house with orange polka dot windows

Seri­ous­ly how cute is this lit­tle thing? If you would like some more cre­ative and fun Hal­loween projects click HERE This adorable Dol­lar Tree Hal­loween Top­i­ary will help you com­plete a cute Hal­loween vignette in no time. 

fhaunted house dollar tree project with spooky twigs and orange pumpkins


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