How to Flock a Christmas Tree Using Snoflock Powder

I am excit­ed to share with you how to flock your Christ­mas tree using Snoflock. Snoflock is a pow­der that expands when intro­duced to mois­ture and cre­ates a per­fect, nat­u­ral­ly flocked look when used cor­rect­ly. Once your tree is flocked it will be ready to dec­o­rate with­in 24 hours. While you’re wait­ing check out all of my favorite orna­ment and Christ­mas decor DIY’s that are sure to make your home look amaz­ing this Christ­mas season!

Supplies for Flocking Your Tree

snoflock powder and weed sprayer for flocking an artificial christmas tree

Steps for Flocking a Tree

Step 1: Shape the Tree Branches

Start by shap­ing the branch­es of your tree. More branch­es, means there is more for the snow to stick to. 

Step 2: Wet the Tree before Applying Flocking Powder

After my branch­es were nice and shaped, I light­ly sprayed the entire tree with water. Hav­ing mois­ture present on the branch­es helps the pow­der to stick and expand. 

misting an artificial tree with water before applying snoflock

I am using a Chapin Home and Gar­den sprayer I found at Lowe’s. Many of the tuto­ri­als I found for flock­ing called for spray bot­tles. This lit­tle trick helps to bypass all of the squeez­ing of the han­dle and allows you to have a con­tin­u­al light mist. I def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend this tech­nique for the process. 

spraying artificial tree with water before applying snoflock
I had a pre­cious lit­tle pair of help­ing hands. 

Step 3: Applying the “Snoflock” Powder

After your tree has been sprayed with water you are ready to start the flock­ing process. 

Fill your sifter halfway with Snoflock. The pow­der itself comes in a reseal­able, zipped bag. This is a 5 pound bag I used on a 7ft tree. There was plen­ty for this project, applied gen­er­ous­ly, plus some left over.

sifter with snoflock powder
Fill­ing the sifter about halfway will keep it from spilling over the top in clumps.

Then, start­ing at the top of the tree and work­ing my way down I sift­ed as my hus­band sprayed the falling pow­der, with water, just below the sifter. Be care­ful not to get the sifter itself wet. The pow­der expands when it comes in con­tact with mois­ture. This is what makes the pow­der stick and expand on the branches. 

It is impor­tant that this step is one flu­id, simul­ta­ne­ous motion, that is why I opt­ed for an extra set of hands. 

woman flocking a christmas tree using snoflock powder

Step 4: Final Touches

Once the sifter is emp­ty there will be about a hand­ful of larg­er “ice crys­tals.” Sim­ply scoop those up with your hand and sprin­kle along a few branch tips.

snoflock in hand and sifter
If you close­ly you can see where we acci­den­tal­ly got water on the sifter. It will expand and clog up the mesh if you aren’t care­ful. If this hap­pens it will slow down the process.
flocked christmas tree using snoflock

And that my friends, is how to flock a Christ­mas tree!

Repeat the sifting/spraying step all around the tree until the entire thing is coat­ed to your lik­ing. Some branch­es with have heav­ier flock­ing than oth­ers. Don’t let that wor­ry you, leave it the way it is OR once it has time to dry, you can soft­en the look by shak­ing or “wack­ing” the branch­es. (For the lack of a bet­ter word, haha) You get the idea. 

The sug­gest­ed dry­ing time is between 24–48 hours. I left mine out­side for a lit­tle under 24 hours before mov­ing it inside and it did just fine. Mov­ing and dec­o­rat­ing will be messy but that is expect­ed with this type of flocking. 

Well, what do you think? I think it was quite the trans­for­ma­tion with min­i­mal work and sup­plies! Plus, the best part.…I have a brand new tree for less than $75!!!

woman standing next to artificial flocked christmas tree


pinterest image for snoflock

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Patti says:

You make it look easy! Ques­tion though, you said your hus­band was spray­ing the fall­en sno, was he spray­ing water?

roostandrestore says:

Yes water! I’m sor­ry I failed to men­tion that.

Cheryl says:

Ok how long to dry Before mov­ing it ? And how much of a mess was it to come inside ?

roostandrestore says:

Rec­om­mend­ed time is 24–48 hours. I moved mine inside just under 24 hours and it was fine. It is a messy process. You will def­i­nite­ly want your vac­u­um handy after mov­ing or decorating 

Fab­u­lous results. I love it! Thanks for sharing

roostandrestore says:

You’re so wel­come thank you 

Tammy says:

How did your tree store? I’m about to flock mine but wor­ry about how Im gonna store it for next year. I can leave it all togeth­er but I will need to raise the branch­es for it to fit in the clos­et it goes in until next Christmas.

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