How to Flock a Christmas Tree Using Snoflock Powder

I am excit­ed to share with you how to flock your Christ­mas tree using Snoflock. Snoflock is a pow­der that expands when intro­duced to mois­ture and cre­ates a per­fect, nat­u­ral­ly flocked look when used cor­rect­ly. Once your tree is flocked it will be ready to dec­o­rate with­in 24 hours. While you’re wait­ing check out all…

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Rustic Fall Kitchen Vignette

I have been dec­o­rat­ing for fall for a cou­ple weeks now. I know, crazy right? I like to move things around to make sure I find the per­fect place­ment. and I think I may have found the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of rus­tic, beau­ti­ful and fall in this rus­tic fall kitchen vignette.  Vignettes are kin­da like my…

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Rustic Feed Sack Kitchen Sink Curtain

Okay so when we bought our farm back in Decem­ber, I knew imme­di­ate­ly that the kitchen was going to be one of the first rooms we would tack­le as far as ren­o­va­tions. It need­ed paint, back­splash, fixtures…all the things. Like most of our projects and home renos we were (and are) work­ing with a strict…

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Tutorial: Indoor Decorative Shutters the Easy Way

Add the per­fect touch of tex­ture and warmth to your home with this DIY tuto­r­i­al for build­ing indoor dec­o­ra­tive shut­ters. This type of project will come togeth­er quick­ly with min­i­mal wood­work­ing skills required. Required Tools Miter Saw Pneu­mat­ic Nail Gun Air Com­pres­sor Additional Supplies Fin­ish Nails (6) 1/4″ Sand­ed Ply­wood (Cut into 6 ” planks) (2) 1…

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Introducing New Chickens to Your Flock

Recent­ly we added 12 new baby chicks to the farm. This was my very first time rais­ing and car­ing for chicks on my own so I had a lot of research to do to ensure they were kept com­fort­able and safe. I am writ­ing to share my per­son­al expe­ri­ences and maybe a nugget (or two)…

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Composting for Beginners

Let me just be up front and say this is my very first time work­ing with com­post. We are new to hav­ing our own home­stead though we are famil­iar with gar­den­ing and liv­ing off the land. Since mov­ing here in Decem­ber we have been slow­ly get­ting things in place as we tran­si­tion into the home­stead…

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Patriotic Wood Block Decor

There is noth­ing much more prim­i­tive than chunky wood block decor. I have always been drawn to the prim­itve patri­ot­ic look. Not only are they cute but these blocks are about as easy as it gets. Sup­plies 2x4 blocks cut as fol­lows (7″, 5″, 5″, 4″, 3.5″) PURCHASE PRECUT SET HERE stain book pages or craft paper  mod…

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DIY Paper Scroll Wall Decor

I recent­ly paint­ed a wall in our liv­ing room and I have been try­ing to decide how to style it. I com­plet­ed the first ele­ment for the wall today. A DIY brown paper scroll. You can buy hand let­tered scrolls off Etsy but the size I need­ed was a bit pricey. Mak­ing one this way…

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How to Season Wooden Spoons

Sea­son­ing wood is odd­ly sat­is­fy­ing to me.…I love see­ing the life come back in to the grains. With­out the oils, the woods tends to dry, crack and even­tu­al­ly break so it’s impor­tant to care for them prop­er­ly. I love the idea of keep­ing these around to pass down so keep­ing them nice and oiled is…

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5 Repurposed Kitchen Island Tutorials

When I was toss­ing around ideas for cre­at­ing a kitchen island, I knew with­out a doubt that I want­ed to repur­pose SOMETHING, but I wan’t too sure on what. Of course, if you fol­low the blog, then you already know we decid­ed on the dress­er in the image below. I am super pleased with how…

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