Rustic Fall Kitchen Vignette

I have been dec­o­rat­ing for fall for a cou­ple weeks now. I know, crazy right? I like to move things around to make sure I find the per­fect place­ment. and I think I may have found the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of rus­tic, beau­ti­ful and fall in this rus­tic fall kitchen vignette. 

Vignettes are kin­da like my ther­a­py. When I am feel­ing like I am in a dec­o­rat­ing rut or just need to make a lit­tle change to a space they are my go-to solu­tion. Main­ly because I love to shop my home for things I already own to cre­ate a com­plete­ly new look. Stay tuned for my vignette 101 styling guide and my ulti­mate shop your home guide com­ing to the blog soon. 

For this look I start­ed with a base of an old cut­ting board. It was sit­ting on a low­er shelf in my kitchen, unno­ticed and not being used so I snagged it up to begin my build. The next steps were the most fun. I gath­ered a few dif­fer­ent tex­tures, like stoneware, met­al (the scale) green­ery and ter­ra cot­ta. I will elab­o­rate more in my Vignette 101 Styling Guide but what you need to know now is it is impor­tant to bring togeth­er dif­fer­ent tex­tures. Our eyes are nat­u­ral­ly drawn to the dif­fer­ences, mak­ing this rus­tic fall kitchen vignette a beau­ti­ful focal point on my upcy­cled kitchen island.

I have decid­ed to use a dark plum in my fall decor this year and oooooh my word. The only think I regret is not adding this to my tra­di­tion­al fall col­ors soon­er. FUN FACT… This col­or is very sim­i­lar to the col­ors I used in my wed­ding. This col­or has been catch­ing my eye for years but for what­ev­er rea­son I have not embraced it. It is not a very com­mon col­or but it cor­po­rates well with tra­di­tion­al golds and oranges. This plum pump­kin is from Hob­by Lob­by and you can see my oth­er cozy favorites from Hob­by Lob­by HERE. 

Luck­i­ly I already had the scale tucked kin­da incon­spic­u­ous­ly in the cor­ner and I decid­ed to bring her out to shine. The orange on the front face is just an added bonus. This was one of the best thrifty finds to-date. I found this beau­ty for $4 at an old closed down coun­try store near Mam­moth Cave. I love those finds that come with a cool sto­ry. Lit­er­al­ly this place was falling apart, the floors were so squeaky I thought they might give way beneath my feet. There was so must dust and mold it was a lit­tle spooky but wow was it worth it to go pick­ing in that place. It is usu­al­ly the most unex­pect­ed places that you find the best treasures!

The whiskey jug was from an estate sale this past week­end, can you beleive I scored this beau­ty for $10…yep! I could­n’t believe it either. And last but not least, you may rec­og­nize the lit­tle har­vest sign from Wal­mart’s fall release. 

rustic country kitchen island with old books on lower shelv and pumpkin rustic vignette

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