Easy Biscuit Recipe Using 3 Ingredients

I have nev­er been able to mas­ter a easy bis­cuit recipe until I made the switch to self-ris­ing flour. Mama always told me to make the switch and for some stub­born rea­son of mine I felt like I was cheat­ing. I know, I know. It seems sil­ly but I was con­vinced. But I am here…

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Reviving an Old Cutting Board

Recent­ly, I had the task of reviv­ing an old cut­ting board. It giv­en to me by a sweet friend of mine no longer had use for it and knew I had a grow­ing col­lec­tion. As beau­ti­ful as it was, it need­ed a lit­tle bit of TLC. It was dry and had notice­ably not been con­di­tioned…

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Rustic Fall Kitchen Vignette

I have been dec­o­rat­ing for fall for a cou­ple weeks now. I know, crazy right? I like to move things around to make sure I find the per­fect place­ment. and I think I may have found the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of rus­tic, beau­ti­ful and fall in this rus­tic fall kitchen vignette.  Vignettes are kin­da like my…

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Rustic Feed Sack Kitchen Sink Curtain

Okay so when we bought our farm back in Decem­ber, I knew imme­di­ate­ly that the kitchen was going to be one of the first rooms we would tack­le as far as ren­o­va­tions. It need­ed paint, back­splash, fixtures…all the things. Like most of our projects and home renos we were (and are) work­ing with a strict…

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How to Repurpose a Dresser into A Kitchen Island

This dream of hav­ing a kitchen island start­ed with a dress­er we found at a local resale shop. It was a bit taller than your stan­dard dress­er and made the per­fect height for an island, and thus, the dress­er to island con­ver­sion project was born. If you’re look­ing to start a upcyled project that will look…

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Rustic Farmhouse Kitchen Makeover

If you would have told me a year ago that I would be shar­ing images of my new­ly updat­ed dream kitchen I would have lol’d…BIG TIME! We were no where near buy­ing our for­ev­er home, in fact, we were rent­ing and bank­ing on buy­ing that place! But God…GOD had dif­fer­ent plans for our fam­i­ly. I…

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