Rustic Feed Sack Kitchen Sink Curtain

Okay so when we bought our farm back in Decem­ber, I knew imme­di­ate­ly that the kitchen was going to be one of the first rooms we would tack­le as far as ren­o­va­tions. It need­ed paint, back­splash, fixtures…all the things. Like most of our projects and home renos we were (and are) work­ing with a strict bud­get. Dec­o­rat­ing on a bud­get has become a way of life for me. Most­ly out of neces­si­ty but also out of enjoyment. 

Luck­i­ly, this cute lit­tle tip for adding a charm­ing old fash­ioned feel to you kitchen hits the nail on the head when it comes to bal­anc­ing func­tion, style and that pesky lit­tle budget! 

After I paint­ed the kitchen cab­i­nets, I knew I want­ed to add a sink cur­tain. I fig­ured this was a good way to tie in with the old fash­ioned vibes the rest of the house puts off. Not to men­tion, one of the cab­i­net doors under the sink broke dur­ing the ren­o­va­tion so it made sense to cov­er the space.… plus bonus points for the cute­ness fac­tor right? 

red blue and yellow feed sack used as a curtain under sink

This project took a total of about 15 min­utes. The feed sack was a gift from my friend, Chasi­da, from Cus­tom South­ern Co She has a cute vin­tage booth in a rur­al town in South­ern IL. She has an eye for all things vin­tage! In fact, there are sev­er­al pieces in my home that I have sourced through her that I can share below.

I sim­ply ripped the stich­es along the side and bot­tom of the sack and used a fab­ric glue to “sew” a small cafe rod pock­et along the top. Hang­ing it was just as sim­ple. We screwed the hook direct­ly to the front of the cab­i­nets and vio­la! A cute lit­tle kitchen sink cur­tain with very lit­tle effort.

Grab this one cafe rod from Amazon

I do need to note that the feed sack was not the first cur­tain choice I used in this space. Before this I used a pair of thrift­ed white ruf­fle cur­tains which I soon found were dif­fi­cult to keep clean…I shoul­da known right? Here is the look using the white ruf­fles, which I absolute­ly love as well, but lets be hon­est, it is not the prac­ti­cal choice for lit­tles and doggos. 

There are so many looks that can be inter­changed here. Just keep in mind the fab­ric and the clean­li­ness of the col­or you chose. I do plan to search for anoth­er feed sack to add some full­ness to this look! 

You can see before and after pho­tos of progress in the kitchen below.

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