Cozy Fall Finds at Hobby Lobby

Hey there! Can you believe it is already time to start pulling out your fall decor? If you’re like me it’s hard not to want to jump right into fall dec­o­rat­ing as soon as I see ther first leaf hit the ground. If you’re on the fence about whether or not its’s time, here is my tip for you…do what makes YOU happy! 

It is true that retail­ers like Hob­by Lob­by begin fill­ing their shelves ear­ly, but that is for good rea­son. Rework­ing decor for the chang­ing sea­sons can take time and plan­ning. Check out this super help­ful arti­cle from my friend Melanie at South­ern Crush at Home, for 7 ways to save at Hob­by Lob­by. She even has a Hob­by Lob­by Sale Cheat Sheet to help with plan­ning and shop­ping. I like to think that it’s there ear­ly so we have time to plan for new col­or schemes and well maybe it is there for those of us who could go for the pump­kin spice year-round. 

Either way, this year’s fall col­lec­tion is absolute­ly gor­geous! I am see lots of warm and cozy col­ors blend­ed with the tra­di­tion­al golds and oranges. My per­son­al fave? Bur­gundy! It may not be a col­or that you think could take cen­ter stage, but I am here to tell you it can be a show stopper! 

I have col­lect­ed a few of my per­son­al favorite items I found while brows­ing the isles at my local Hob­by Lob­by. Enjoy and hap­py dec­o­rat­ing!

1. Rustic Pumpkin Sign

2. Burgundy Foam Pumpkin

3. Foam Pumpkin Filler

4. Burgundy Velvet Pillow

5. Eucalyptus Mix

6. Gold Vine Coffee Mug

7. Plentiful Harvest Candle 

8. Magnolia + Berry Wreath

9. Wood Grain Plate Charger 

10. Natural Apple Bushel Basket

11. Coffee Cup Storage Rack

12. Rustic Sawmill Bench 

13. Gold Foil Throw Pillow

14. Gold Thankful Plate 

Relat­ed Post: Fall Decor from Amazon

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1 comment

[…] I have decid­ed to use a dark plum in my fall decor this year and oooooh my word. The only think I regret is not adding this to my tra­di­tion­al fall col­ors soon­er. FUN FACT… This col­or is very sim­i­lar to the col­ors I used in my wed­ding. This col­or has been catch­ing my eye for years but for what­ev­er rea­son I have not embraced it. It is not a very com­mon col­or but it cor­po­rates well with tra­di­tion­al golds and oranges. This plum pump­kin is from Hob­by Lob­by and you can see my oth­er cozy favorites from Hob­by L… […]

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