August Vintage Finds

It’s no secret that I love to go thrift­ing, junk­ing , yard-saleing…you name it. Basi­cal­ly if I have the chance to find some­thing beau­ti­ful­ly aged, then you can count me in. I want­ed to share my most recent vin­tage finds. These have been col­lect­ed over the course of a cou­ple weeks and why I chose them to come home to add my my collection.

I have always loved an eclec­tic, cot­tage type feel and it just so hap­pens, junk­ing and search­ing for pieces (my favorite sport) is THE BEST way to achieve this cozy and col­lect­ed vibe. Our homes real­ly can be a col­lec­tion of things we love. This makes a style unique and tru­ly original. 

When I am out and about I always have my eyes peeled. Woods, greens, archi­tec­tur­al pieces.… and this is just the begin­ning. My point is I am always search­ing. I am con­stant­ly mov­ing things around in my home, and maybe you do to. Most­ly because I like to get a feel for dif­fer­ent pieces in dif­fer­ent spaces. If I don’t love it after a few days (and some­times weeks if I’m lazy) I try it some­where else. The hunt­ing aspect comes when I am look­ing for spe­cif­ic tex­tures, heights to help me tweak some­thing or fill an emp­ty spot. 

As I was sort­ing and mov­ing things from room to room I decid­ed to bring all my recent finds into one place and pic­ture them. I get many ques­tions on what I look for and how I know what to buy and my answer is usu­al­ly always the same, I love it when I see it and if I love it, I buy it.…within rea­son of course. Let’s be hon­est, I would be com­plete­ly broke if I bought every­thing I loved. Alas, that is why we search in the not so pop­u­lar places for the goods.

These recent finds are no excep­tion. First off, can we talk about these amaz­ing spin­dles. I found these as a local junk sale recent­ly and I brought them home. Spin­dles are a weak­ness of mine and I can guar­an­tee you if there is one with­in a mile I will sniff it out. They make per­fect filler pieces for vas­es and man­tles. The dough bowl hid­ing at the bot­tom of the pile is a Mar­ket­place find. Search your local list­ings dai­ly you might be sur­prised at the good­ies you can find on there. 

The doilie and bour­bon jug came from an estate sale just up the road. Brake for the yard sale, girl­friend. You nev­er knew what high qual­i­ty junk you may find.

And of course this rab­bit. Can you pic­ture the inter­nal dia­log in my head with this one? I snagged this lit­tle beau­ty along with this old wood kitchen knife hold­er from the Good­will this past week. I can not wait to bring this out in the Spring. Although she isn’t tech­ni­cal­ly a vin­tage find, she does have all the right tex­tures and mossy col­or to blend beau­ti­ful­ly in a vin­tage East­er man­tle or hearth.…dontcha think? 

This lit­tle love­ly, vin­tage find is also from the Good­will, AND almost got passed up. It caught my eye at first and I did­n’t real­ize until my sec­ond walk through (I like to shop the store in both direc­tions in case I miss some­thing) that this was a knife holder.…or at least that is my best guess and that is how I plan to pur­pose it in my home. It was wood, it was used and had a cute leather loop at the top. I high­ly rec­om­mend the reverse shop­ping method I used to shop this beau­ty, espe­cial­ly if some­thing caught you’re eye the first time. Shop­ping a dif­fer­ent angle will allow you to see things you did­n’t the first go- round.

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