How to Make Wood Conditioner with Beeswax

I have a love for using wood­en uten­sils in my kitchen. Wood bowls, wood cut­ting boards, rolling pins… you name it. And while yes they are pret­ty to look at, and work well with just about any type of cook­ware, they do require a lit­tle bit of main­te­nence. What’s the solu­tion? An easy-to-make home­made wood con­di­tion­er using beeswax or as I like to call it…Wood Butter!

Wood gets thirsty. And when it is thirsty it has a ten­dan­cy to dry out, become rough and even­tu­al­ly crack and splin­ter. This is true across the spec­trum. When wood weath­ers it cracks, it ages, thats what draws us to it really. 

But as pret­ty as that weath­ered, dry cracked wood may look, it does not pair well with cook­ing in the kitchen. This is where sea­son­ing comes in and I recent­ly came acroos a recipe for mak­ing your own “wood but­ter.” I recent­ly sea­soned all my spoons and wood bowls using this tech­nique that I share HERE

How­ev­er, my do-it-your­self-and-become-more-self-sus­tain­ing heart has decid­ed that it would be bet­ter to make my own “sea­son­ing” if you will in the form of wood but­ter. Fol­low my instruc­tions below to make your own, and apply it like I did HERE

Let’s get started

Wood Butter

A creamy home­made wood but­ter to con­ti­tion woods in your kitchen

  • 2 tbsp beeswax (pel­lets)
  • 6 tbsp coconut oil (refined)
  1. Place 2 table­spoons of beeswax and 6 table­spoons of unre­fined coconut oil in a small glass jar (A small jel­ly jar should do the trick)

  2. Fill a small saucepan 1/3 of the way with water and place jar in the water. Set a burn­er on medi­um-low heat until the beeswax/oil mix­ture is com­plete­ly melted.

  3. Remove jar and allow to cool and solidify

  4. Apply lib­er­al­ly to wood­en spoons, cut­ting boards and utensils 

Medi­um-Low and occa­sion­al stir­ring will be plen­ty here. Care­ful not to overheat.

It will be run­ny and clear right after remov­ing from the water. Allow it to cool about 2 hours or until hard with the lid off the jar. If you notice lit­tle clumps that are resist­ing to being melt­ed sim­ply stir con­stant­ly until melted.

What else in my kitchen can I use wood but­ter for?

I sug­gest using this wood con­di­tion­er using beeswax on old and new uten­sils. Often­times those thrift store pieces need a lit­tle extra love before use, and just like cast iron, your wood­en uten­sils are going to get bet­ter with time and sea­son­ing. Sea­son­ing a new spoon before use will set your spoon up for a good lifespan. 




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1 comment

[…] far as wood con­di­tion­ers go but I per­son­al­ly make my own using beeswax and coconut oil. I shared the recipe on the blog before and I will link it HERE if you would like to make your own. There may be more pro­fes­sion­al means of application […]

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