How to Make Wood Conditioner with Beeswax

I have a love for using wood­en uten­sils in my kitchen. Wood bowls, wood cut­ting boards, rolling pins… you name it. And while yes they are pret­ty to look at, and work well with just about any type of cook­ware, they do require a lit­tle bit of main­te­nence. What’s the solu­tion? An easy-to-make home­made wood…

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Introducing New Chickens to Your Flock

Recent­ly we added 12 new baby chicks to the farm. This was my very first time rais­ing and car­ing for chicks on my own so I had a lot of research to do to ensure they were kept com­fort­able and safe. I am writ­ing to share my per­son­al expe­ri­ences and maybe a nugget (or two)…

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DIY Walnut Wood Stain

I am so excit­ed to have made this DIY Wal­nut Wood Stain! It is a game chager for peo­ple who love to get their hands dirty and make things for them­self! The best part??? It only requires TWO, yes two, ingre­di­ents to pre­pare! It’s quick, easy and so beautiful! STEP ONE- GATHER NUTS From start…

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Mama’s Old Fashioned Corn Bread

This is a fam­i­ly recipe hand­ed down from my great grand­moth­er, known as Memaw. She died not long after I was born in 1993 but her cook­ing style and recipes have been passed down through the gen­er­a­tion and now I am shar­ing with you. I have nev­er seen this par­tic­u­lar recipe writ­ten down on paper…

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Homestead Kitchen Essentials from Amazon

What I love the most about DIY is it tru­ly can become a way of life. There are ways to incor­po­rate do it your self projects in every space in your home and this is a lifestyle that the ear­li­er gen­er­a­tions knew all to well.  There is both a chal­lenge and ful­fill­ment in doing things your­self…

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DIY Rustic Island Counter Top

Sooo, as most of you may already know we have been steadi­ly work­ing on con­vert­ing an old dress­er into a kitchen island. My num­ber one goal out of this entire con­ver­sion process has been work­ing toward cap­tur­ing an old, just pulled out of a barn feel. I don’t know if that makes any sense to…

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How to Layer Stain Like a Pro

Learn how to give new wood a beau­ti­ful nat­u­ral­ly aged look with the stain lay­er­ing tech­nique An easy DIY method for using stain to achieve an old look. The goal here was to make this wood look aged and pre­vi­ous­ly loved. In this case, a since shade of stain was­n’t gonna cut it. I decid­ed on…

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Rustic Farmhouse Kitchen Makeover

If you would have told me a year ago that I would be shar­ing images of my new­ly updat­ed dream kitchen I would have lol’d…BIG TIME! We were no where near buy­ing our for­ev­er home, in fact, we were rent­ing and bank­ing on buy­ing that place! But God…GOD had dif­fer­ent plans for our fam­i­ly. I…

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Magpie Vintage Market A Picker’s Dream

Y’all, I went to my very first vin­tage mar­ket this past week­end Yes, you heard me right. It was my first time at a mar­ket like this, and I am cer­tain heav­en is full of rows and rows of hand select­ed vin­tage items and home made goods. I have been to flea mar­kets and trade…

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