Old-Fashioned Homemaking and Simple DIY Living

Old-fash­ioned home­mak­ing and sim­ple DIY Liv­ing isn’t all about being a stay at home mom, although, that cer­tain­ly is a big part of my per­son­al expe­ri­ence. Rather is is about embrac­ing a slow­er paced and inten­tion­al­ly sim­ple lifestyle. Back in the day this type of lifestyle was the stan­dard way of liv­ing. Today, no so much. I am on a mis­sion to help women embrace this lifestyle and to encour­age them that it is pos­si­ble in today’s world. Women of all ages should feel con­fi­dent in nutur­ing their home and spaces in a way that feels wholesome. 

“I am begin­ning to learn that it is the sweet, sim­ple things of life which are the real ones after all.”

Lau­ra Ingalls Wilder 

Home­mak­ing today is much more con­vienent than it used to be but I believe there is a beau­ti­ful bal­ance that can exist between then and now. There are some basic prin­ci­ples you can apply while you are striv­ing toward a self-sus­tain­ing DIY lifestyle. 


Strive to cook home­made meals. If course this is not always pos­si­ble but home mak­ers find joy in pro­duc­ing and prepar­ing meals from scratch. Ingre­di­ents from the farm or the local farm­ers mar­ket is a great resource for fresh pro­duce. I want to encour­age you to work toward being a pro­duc­er of your food source. Gar­den­ing and farm­ing ani­mals are a great way to culit­vate food for family. 

Relat­ed: Intro­duc­ing Chick­ens to Your Exist­ing Flock

Relat­ed: Beau­ti­ful + Func­tion­al Raised Gar­den Beds


Chem­i­cal-free, nat­ur­al and home­made can be the best when it comes to clean­ing sources for refresh­ing your home. If you think about it, Home­mak­ers were the first to use vine­gar and bak­ing soda for deep clean­ing. Learn­ing the basics for mak­ing your own clean­ers can not only save you mon­ey but elim­i­nate thou­sands of unness­esary chim­i­cals from your home. 

Oth­er aspects of your home may require spe­cial atten­tion and sim­ple clean­ing meth­ods. Includ­ing cast iron, cut­ting boards and wood spoons.

Relat­ed: How to Sea­son Cast Iron 

Relat­ed: How to Make Wood Butter 

DIY cleaning for homemakers


Learn­ing to embrace the sea­sons and natures resources for your decor is the part of home­mak­ing that I find most joy­ful. Find­ing beau­ty in prac­ti­cal resources is a good skill for liv­ing sim­ply. Vingettes can be cre­at­ed using cut­ting boards, with­in arms reach of the stove. Thrifty fur­ni­ture makeovers make for unique and beau­ti­ful fur­nish­ings that keep your home feel­ing put togeth­er and cozy. 

Relat­ed: Upcy­cled Dress­er Kitchen Island

Relat­ed: Dec­o­rat­ing From the Pantry

Relat­ed: Thrifty Spring Mantle

Homemakers kitche


what is homemaking

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