How to Make Homemade All-Purpose Lemon Cleaner

Mak­ing home­made clean­ers is not as hard as it sounds. You can make this Home­made All-Pur­pose Lemon Clean­er in just a cou­ple easy steps and you might even get a pitch­er of Fresh Squeezed Lemon­ade while you’re at it.

I am very hap­py to add this fresh smelling, grease cut­ting all pur­pose clean­er to my arse­nal of home­made clean­ers. If you’re like me, then keep­ing a clean and home is impor­tant to you but harsh chemicals…not so much.

Lemons are acidic. The acid serves as an antibac­te­r­i­al and anti­sep­tic, much like bleach but a lot bet­ter smelling. That’s what I call a win-win!

The next time you head to the mar­ket grab some lemons. For ref­er­ence, I filled an emp­ty Ragu pas­ta jar with the rinds 6–7 medi­um lemons, which yield­ed a small 16oz spray bot­tle. You will be using the rinds mixed with white vine­gar for your home­made cleaner.

After putting your new clean­er in a spray bot­tle I must warn you, you’re gonna want to clean every­thing! Not only does it smell amaz­ing but it will leave your sur­faces squeaky clean. 


Homemade All-Purpose Lemon Cleaner

A fresh smelling, pow­er­ful home­made cleaner 

  • 6 Medi­um Lemon Rinds
  • Vine­gar
  1. Stuff a 16oz jar with lemon rinds

  2. Fill the jar with white vinegar

  3. Allow the vine­gar and lemons to sit for 2–3 weeks to infuse

  4. Strain the rinds from the vine­gar and store in a spray bottle

This can be dilut­ed with more vine­gar to make more clean­er, although I rec­om­mend if you want more clean­er to sim­ply infuse in a larg­er jar. The more lemon the bet­ter the scent!

Did you write that one down? If not you SHOULD! I am an advo­cate for hand­writ­ten recipes and I have cre­at­ed a super cute recipe card for such an occasion! 

lemon cleaner pinterest pin

Need Supplies?

**these prod­ucts are linked ama­zon affil­i­ates, I may make a small comis­sion if you pur­chase through my links

clear 16oz spray bottle
white vinegar in a bottle

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