How to Make Vintage Inspired Wooden Spools

I love to incor­po­rat­ed vin­tage and DIY pieces in and around my home. This lit­tle project is inspired by both! These vin­tage inspired wood­en spools are so incred­i­bly easy to make and would be so super cute styled on a shelf, tiered tray or vignette! 

Let’s jump right in!

Supplies for making Vintage Inspired Spools

  • (4) 1 1/2“x2 1/8″ Wood Spool (Found at Hob­by Lobby)
  • (4) 2“x1/4″ Disc Cir­cle (Found at Hob­by Lobby)
  • Hot Glue
  • E6000
  • Antique Wax
  • Baby Wipe
  • Sand­pa­per
  • Rib­bon and embell­ish­ments of choice

Before we begin, I want­ed to share that you can find these spools and discs at Hob­by Lob­by in their “Wood­pile” col­lec­tion. I have includ­ed the dimen­sions of the ones I’m using in the sup­ply list above.

Begin by stain­ing the spools and disks using a baby wipe dipped in Waver­ly Antique wax. I’ve found that this is a real­ly quick and easy way to achieve a nice vin­tage look in a pinch. If you like to exper­i­ment with stains and fin­ish­es you will love my DIY Cof­fee Stain. It is THE way to achieve that authen­tic aged barn wood look. 

Once the pieces are nice and dry stack 2 of the spools togeth­er and use a com­bi­na­tion of hot glue and E600 to secure. Cen­ter on the disk and attach one to each end.

Sand down in over­flow of adhe­sive and rough of the edges with sand­pa­per for a but of age.

Roost and Restore Home - Vintage Inspired Wood Spools

Wrap your vin­tage inspired wood­en spools with your favorite rib­bon and tie with jute twine and top with a cute but­ton, like I did here.


Use an old push pin or clothes pin to add a touch of old charm!

Style in your craft room, toss in an old glass jar or place with a col­lec­tion of items for an every­day vignette.

Roost and Restore - Vintage Inspired Wood Spools
Roost and Restore - Vintage Inspired Wood Spools

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