DIY Faux Cement Planter: Perfect for Fall!

I have been dying to try my hand at cre­at­ing a DIY faux fall cement planter, and this cute lit­tle pot from a local thrift store was the per­fect piece for this cute piece of DIY Fall decor! Tru­ly, this DIY can be incor­po­rat­ed into any sea­son, but I have a per­fect lit­tle stack of adorable neu­tral farm­house pump­kins from Roost+Restore Home that would look amaz­ing nes­tled on top.

DIY Faux Fall Cement Planter Supplies

  • old piece of pottery
  • tis­sue paper
  • mod podge
  • paint (I am using Waver­ly Plas­ter, Ink and Antique wax)
  • paint brush
  • baby wipes

Begin with a cou­ple sheets of tis­sue paper. Tear the paper into strips and crin­kle them up into tight balls, like shown below.

tissue paper textured pot

Next, unwrin­kle the tis­sue paper, being care­ful not to press out the wrin­kles too much, and use mod podge to apply it to your planter. This one came from a local thrift store for $3.

mod podge diy pot makeover

Apply a thin coat of mod podge to the top of the tis­sue paper as well. This will help it dry with a nice hard­ened texture.

diy textured planter

The next step includ­ed paint­ing the new dry tex­tured sur­face with a coat of white chalk paint. My favorite is Plas­ter by Waver­ly which is a great brand you can find at Wal­mart with a wide assort­ment of colors. 

Now would also be a great time to men­tion my brush. I get lots of ques­tions about it! It is a craft brush by Blue Hawk that I found at Lowe’s.

After the white basecoat is dry to the touch, it’s time to break out the baby wipes…yes I said baby wipes. You will use them to blend in your antique glaze and black paints. 

baby wipe with antique glaze

Dip the tip of your wipe in the paint and blot in small sec­tions, lay­er­ing the two col­ors. The mois­ture from the wipes keeps the col­ors blend­able. Just remem­ber that LESS IS MORE on this step! Don’t wor­ry, if you get too heavy with a col­or this is where the wipes work in your favor! Sim­ply grab a fresh wipe and wipe away or blend away from the dark­er area.

You can see this demo on VIDEO HERE

baby wipe staining method

Just remem­ber the look you are work­ing to achieve. Old aged cement has lay­ers of col­or, imper­fec­tions and vari­a­tion. Throw the per­fec­tion out the win­dow and let the project take on a per­son­al­i­ty of its own!

I chose to style my fresh­ly made over planter with some Span­ish moss and a stack of hand­made fab­ric pump­kins! You can shop these pump­kins and oth­er beau­ti­ful hand­made decor at our home decor bou­tique Roost+Restore Home.

faux cement planter
diy faux cement planter with pumpkins
neutral farmhouse pumpkins in cement planter

If you liked this trans­for­ma­tion, you’ll love my Faux French Coun­try Pot­tery Tuto­r­i­al I have on the blog as well. I use a dif­fer­ent tech­nique but the results are equal­ly stunning! 

Want more DIY Decor? My R+R DIY Decor Box Mem­ber­ship is the per­fect fit to enjoy DIY decor deliv­ered to your door. Be the first to know when spaces open up by join­ing the wait­list.

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Rose Parker says:

I love your crafts

Your ideas are love­ly and your step-by-step instruc­tions are very easy to follow.
Will enjoy receiv­ing your updates and posts.

Your ideas are love­ly and your step-by-step instruc­tions are very easy to follow.
Will enjoy receiv­ing your updates and posts.

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