Decorating from the Pantry

Being stuck at home real­ly makes you eval­u­ate the things you have right in front of you. Your decor for exam­ple. Maybe all this extra time at home has brought your atten­tion to areas of your home that could use a refresh. Sure you could do a lit­tle online shop­ping to pass the time, but how about we raid our kitchen cab­i­nets for FOOD…yes food, but were not eat­ing it, we’re dec­o­rat­ing with it! Enjoy this col­lec­tion of cre­ative ways to use pantry items in your decor! 

To kick off our col­lec­tion is this amaz­ing dis­play of glass jars, can­dles, lentils, rice and bay leaves! How stun­ning! I love this col­lec­tion and can def­i­nite­ly see myself putting these to work in my kitchen.

This dried corn garl­nd may be off sea­son but it’s a good once to tuck in your back pock­et for those fall months. It’s beau­ti­ful, full of col­or and oh so festive! 

This could per­haps be my favorite way to dry herbs on the counter! Not only is is use­ful it dou­bles as an adorable accent peice on the coun­ter­top! Bonus, you have fresh herbs with­in arms reach!

Arti­chokes are a show stop­per for sure. You may be less like­ly to have these lay­ing around but I def­i­nite­ly think you could grab a few on your next gro­cery run. I am work­ing on a tuto­r­i­al to show you how you can dry your own so stay tuned! Place them in a wood bowl or glass jar and you’re set!

I love prac­ti­cal and fun­tion­al decor and these glass jars do just that! Keep your dry good in place and dis­play them on your coun­ters or even an old hoosier cab­i­net. Easy peasy and as beau­ti­ful as they are practical!

Maybe you have some extra herbs you could put to use in a cute home­meade herb wreath. It would be a pret­ty way to dis­play your herbs inside and you could sim­ply pluck what you need…or dont and just enjoy its sim­ple beauty.

Cin­na­mon sticks are an obvi­ous choice to incor­po­rate into your decor. Most of the time they get their glo­ry around the hol­i­days but I say drag them out and use them for a beau­ti­ful prim­i­tive flare to your space.

When life gives you lemons…put them in a jar of course! Sliced or whole lemons look beau­ti­ful paired with fresh flow­ers on your table! Lemons are anoth­er one of those obvi­ous choic­es from the kitchen but I could­n’t leave them out! 

Apples is some­thing we always have on the counter. I loved how these are being used as can­dle hold­ers rather than just sit­ting in a bowl. How cre­ative this could be for a roman­tic night in, or just to fill your house with a warm homey scent.

You can nev­er go wrong with a beau­ti­fu­lo set of apoth­cary jars. Keep your past fresh and on dis­play in a love­ly set of jars. How simple! 

Y’all I hope you found this col­lec­tion as inspir­ing as I did. These times of being at home can real­ly bring out our resource­ful­ness. Use these ideas to fresh­en up your spaces and let me know how your incor­po­rat­ed them! 

Made with Love.


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