A Fresh Farmhouse Tablescape

Tablescapes are becom­ing one of my very favorite things to cre­ate in my home. I real­ly like for them to non-tra­di­tion­al in a way. Like most of my decor, I enjoy shop­ping my own home for items that I can bring togeth­er for a cohe­sive look or theme with­out going out and buy­ing a bunch of new decor. I mean, if it’s alreayd in your home it is like­ly gonna already fit into your over­all theme. In addi­tion to not want­i­ng to spend a ton, I want­ed to cre­ate a tablescape that would wear well for an every day fresh farm­house look. In oth­er words, I want­ed to assem­ble it and be able to leave it and not have to think about it again for a while. Today, I am shar­ing the result of me shop­ping my own home and bring­ing some ele­ments togeth­er to achieve this look.

Keep in mind that I already had these things on hand. I bought these items with no inten­tion of one day bring­ing them togeth­er. This look start­ed with some sim­ple but pre­cious plates from none oth­er than, the Dol­lar Tree. In my opin­ion you seri­ous­ly can not beat their dish­ware. I paired the plates with gal­va­nized charg­ers from the Dol­lar Gen­er­al I bought when they released their farm­house col­lec­tion last year, a thrift­ed table run­ner, which I am cer­tain is orginal­ly from Tar­get, linen nap­kins from Ama­zon which you can get HERE, green nap­kin rings from Hob­by Lob­by and vin­tage wood­en bowls from Cus­tom South­ern Co., a local vin­tage shoppe.

I did­n’t real­ly have sin­gle item that would been por­por­tion­al to the length of my table, so I cre­at­ed the “feel­ing” of a cen­ter­piece with a few items. I chose an assort­ment of iron­stone dish­es from my col­lec­tion and paired them with vin­tage books, emp­ty brass can­dle­sticks, a few aged ter­ra cot­ta pots and some faux herbs. And to tie it all togeth­er, a bread board and large bowl for tex­ture. This type of cen­ter­piece can eas­i­ly get a lit­tle too busy. I rec­om­mend a soft pat­terned run­ner or a bare table when work­ing with mul­ti­ple items. 

Don’t be afraid to off­set the sym­me­try a bit. Here I used a bowl of ariti­chokes for an added authen­tic­i­ty for that per­fect every day look.



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