10 Decor Ideas Using Vintage Books

If you know me, you know I have a love for things with a touch of vin­tage. One of my favorite things to look for at thrift stores are old books. They are per­fect if you are look­ing to inco­po­rate a bit of the old with the new. I have gath­ered 10 beau­ti­ful­ly inspired decor ideas using old books. 

Be inspired.

A cute lit­tle stack wrapped in jute may be all you need to com­plete a cute lit­tle vignette. I love the com­bi­na­tion of the tex­tures here. The wood cheese box, the flow­ers and the books com­pli­ment each oth­er well.

Did some­one say stacked books perched on a chip­py white pedestal?.…yes please! Now I am offi­cial­ly on the hunt for a pedestal. My “wish list” just keeps grow­ing and growing.

After see­ing this amaz­ing shelf, packed with old (and beau­ti­ful) books I don’t think it is pos­si­ble to have too many. This is your per­mis­sion to keep that col­lec­tion growing!

This may be the most unique way to use old books in your decor. Stacked togeth­er, tied and used as a knife block in the kitchen. Who woul­da thunk it? Cer­tain­ly not me, but I have to admit, it’s stinkin cute!

A book gallery wall? Am I the only one that did­n’t real­ize this was a thing? Excuse me while I go get my ham­mer. In all seri­ous­ness, this is absolute­ly breathtaking!

Not to be par­tial, but I shared this fun lit­tle dis­play on a Face­book Live. One of my favorite ways to dis­play books is sim­ply stack­ing and tying them the way I did here. Or pulling some ages out and cre­at­ing scrolls that can be dis­played in a cloche or jar.

I like how sim­ple these stamps are. There are very pop­u­lar meth­ods of upcy­cling books that involve paint­ing or strip­ping them down. Here, the books orig­i­nal beau­ty are still in tack with the stamps along the pages rather than the spine. 

I sim­ply adore how the euclyp­tus was used with this DIY. I like projects that go against the “norm.” Books are expect­ed to be rest­ing on a table or shelf. Hang­ing on a hook by a flo­ral stem…now that is some­thing that will stop you in your tracks.

Maybe you can’t get your hands on old “pret­ty” books. Don’t fret. Just give them a lit­tle embell­ish­ment for a charm­ing and shab­by touch.

Mir­rors, man­tles, and books…oh my! This style has stolen my heart and thrown away the key. It takes the cake for me. The books paired with the age of the mir­rors and man­tle make this style sim­ply unforgettable.

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Jeannie says:

I too love dec­o­rat­ing with books. Would you give me advice on how much to price a set of three vin­tage books — undec­o­rat­ed with a jute tie around them if I were to sell? I need a base price. Thanks.

roostandrestore says:

I’m not real­ly sure how to answer that question. 

So fab­u­lous I love these ideas. I have a few old books, but was not sure how to use them as dec­o­ra­tive pieces. Thank you fir help­ing me with that. You rock!

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