How to Make Wood Bead Tassel DIY Decor

I am always look­ing for home decor to cre­ate on my own. Don’t get me wrong I love doing all types of crafts but I espe­cial­ly love the ones I can dis­play in my home year round. This is exact­ly why I am excit­ed to teach you how to make wood bead tas­sel DIY decor. Not…

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Easy Wood Block Flag Banner

This project was inspired by THIS ONE I made last year. I decid­ed to try my hand at cre­at­ing some­thing with a more prim­i­tive look. Prim­i­tive and clas­sic has always been my favorite theme for sum­mer hol­i­days. There just seems to be a lot of nos­tal­gia dur­ing the warmer months.  Prim­i­tives usu­al­ly have dark­er shades…

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DIY Paper Scroll Wall Decor

I recent­ly paint­ed a wall in our liv­ing room and I have been try­ing to decide how to style it. I com­plet­ed the first ele­ment for the wall today. A DIY brown paper scroll. You can buy hand let­tered scrolls off Etsy but the size I need­ed was a bit pricey. Mak­ing one this way…

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5 Repurposed Kitchen Island Tutorials

When I was toss­ing around ideas for cre­at­ing a kitchen island, I knew with­out a doubt that I want­ed to repur­pose SOMETHING, but I wan’t too sure on what. Of course, if you fol­low the blog, then you already know we decid­ed on the dress­er in the image below. I am super pleased with how…

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DIY Chippy Paint Layers Using General Finishes Milk Paint

Recent­ly we just wrapped up a big DIY project where we cre­at­ed an island using an old thrift­ed dress­er. From the very start I knew I want­ed an authen­tic, chip­py, aged fin­ish. If you talk to all the “decor styling experts” they may tell you that the farm­house trends are on thi­er way out. and…

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A Fresh Farmhouse Tablescape

Tablescapes are becom­ing one of my very favorite things to cre­ate in my home. I real­ly like for them to non-tra­di­tion­al in a way. Like most of my decor, I enjoy shop­ping my own home for items that I can bring togeth­er for a cohe­sive look or theme with­out going out and buy­ing a bunch…

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10 Decor Ideas Using Vintage Books

If you know me, you know I have a love for things with a touch of vin­tage. One of my favorite things to look for at thrift stores are old books. They are per­fect if you are look­ing to inco­po­rate a bit of the old with the new. I have gath­ered 10 beau­ti­ful­ly inspired decor…

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Easy Picture Frame Using Paint Sticks

Let me just start by say­ing this project is soooo sim­ple. But do not, I repeat, do not let the sim­plic­i­ty of some­thing fool you. This lit­tle frame packs a pret­ty big punch in the shelf sit­ting are­na. It all start­ed with a craft cart full of ran­dom­ness and a han­kerin to mae some­thing with…

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Winter Decor Ideas for After Christmas

Although it is 60 degrees and I have my win­dows open, win­ter sol­stice has offi­cial­ly arrived here in West­ern Ken­tucky. Lucky for me this year I have focused more on win­ter­ing my decor from the begin­ning of the hol­i­day sea­son. Aside from tak­ing the Christ­mas tree down in a few days there is very lit­tle…

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Budget Friendly DIY Projects to Spruce Up Your Thanksgiving Table

Grow­ing up, Thanks­giv­ing meals were always held at my Grannie’s farm­house here in West­ern Ken­tucky. Most of our fam­i­ly lived with­in a 5 mile radius and we all piled in the mod­est, wood-pan­eled, den and kitchen area. There were so many cousins, aunts and uncles we were quite lit­er­al­ly piled on top of each oth­er.…

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